
30 September 2012

magic moments

Some times u wonder if this is really happening
Long ago, Rainy day in Bangalore, I saw a dead eagle in a puddle...:-( it moved,  Not dead, hurt.
Hurt animals are heart breakers, they will most often die on you.
What to do with this guy? no need of heart break, just go, should I take it to a vet? Should I take it home?
I decided Ill take it out of the puddle, give it some water and leave it to its fate. ( I remember wondering if this was a crow would I do this? sometimes our mind acts like a sick bastard full of self doubt! X-( ) Pot seller's tent near by, these guys from Rajasthan - sell plants and pots near Koramangala. I asked one of them for a glass of water...fed a bird a bit and left him in shade  and went off to work.
It didnt leave me alone, this bird. Ok, if the bird was still alive Ill take it home and watch it die! X-( went back.. bird is not there! ah! did it recover and fly away? :-) may be dogs...? no..boy from the shop and me found it hiding behind some rocks.. nice! It could hop now! wow.. may be.. it will live.
We are trying to catch it but it hops away and tried to peck us ! its an eagle after all!
Then our hero enters! seriously  Hero! this older boy, skinny young not more than 18.. Talks to the eagle distracts it and catches it... the bird pecks him but he doesnot care!  Soon he gets needle and thread and is sewing up the broken wing!! which was very badly broken :(  he is using sticks and  branches to support broken bones!! the eagle is only mildly protesting..then he binds the whole wing with strips of cloth turmeric and coffee ( which pranic healing tells me has a lot of orange prana and helps to draw out infection)! This uneducated pot seller! So confidently fixed up the bird!! He says he saw some bastards throw stones at young eagles the day before :( When their cat got too interested in the bird, he put some straw in a huge pot, and put the bird in it and covered it with  a basket! He knew exactly what to do! all the time! He said  his uncle back home kept pet eagles and kites -  What were the odds??? To this day I am still amazed at the whole thing.. at the skill of that boy! the timing and everything.. he was like a surgeon! a pro!  He was just amazing... The younger brother doesnot know anything about birds but the older one is a pro,,, It was so lucky that I went back later at a time when the older one was home!
May be after all this the bird did die and all u know...Animals are very delicate anyway its a beautiful story..Eagle was well taken care off, I couldnt have done better, a vet couldnt have done better.. so.. leave it at that... It was an unbelieble expereince .. there are such wonderful people out there in this world amazing people   amazing ordinary people...god bless him..god bless them.

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