
20 May 2009

old boy

Watched Old boy! Woah!!! What do i say! mind blowing. After being shocked and awed for a few days.. I am thinking wow wow wow wow!! what a movie! Just blown away.I think Ive become an addict of Korean movies. I want more I want that intensity i want that new ness freshness. I want that kind of exploration of human mind and ethics, In every movie I see. Other movies seem to shallow now. They go where hollywood wouldnt dream going, the subjects the treatments!! I am hooked.
But be warned Old boy is not for the weak hearted...


  1. There is no place to scribble a comment on a blogspot generally i mean not specific to any blog. :-P
    Thanks for old boy but all those 1950s movies u are makin me watch saying that they are nice.... they compensate for this :P
