
21 March 2012

sexist western society

Why does every comedy serial have this episode where the women talk about how they want a great wedding, about girls dreams of elaborate expensive weddings and how they have been planning it all their life?!!!?! It is not funny :( It is plain wrong. sucha waste of money and resorces and such a wrong direction for young women.and it is setting a very bad example for all young girls :(
how can all these sitcoms justify waste of money over silly ceremonies and glorify it? I hate it! supposedly pro-women sitcoms are so sexist. Its plain wrong :( Sex and the City, Friends,movies like father of the bride.. all.. and yeah - girls father pays for the wedding! :-O

and the biological clock ticking hysteria?!? it is kinda funny at times...!  exactly like the hysteria about getting daughters married in conservative households in india.. there age bar is 22 here 40.. but its the same anxiety/fear/desperation.  ( BTW I think our first lady princess Aishwarya having a baby at 37 should chill a lot of people and raise the bar in india? ;-) )

and the girls are bad at maths thing! There are absolutely NO lady engineers here in the UK! Zero! Thanks to such sexist propaganda! Girls are bad at maths! There were hardly any boys in my class as good at maths as me!
In India there is an awareness about such things atleast some people are feminist, people are fighting against such views. There is always an uproar about sexist ad campaigns, here there is nothing. pink and blue. why  so much distinguishing at such young age.. why not green/yellow/purple/red prams!?! just let them be, instead of doing this boy/girl thing!
I dont like :-(

Yes there is Sexism here but .....
 I had to add the PS:
After  bumming on the beach, in a bikini, alone.  topless babes sun bathing around me, often alone, roaming around in clothes definitely classified as very skimpy in India in the wee hours of the night, drinking alone( :-O?:-P) and feeling so safe to be able to do this.. I felt very touched and grateful to this culture and society actually.
I remember how we went to the beach in India.. my river dress . thick grey trousers and thick dark black and red shirt.. I felt sad for me for that... I remember kerala - people following me on the beach even when getting into water fully clothed. Yew! disgusting that... from that to this!!! Liberating!
West has got something right, and India is like very very very very long way behind.... after tasting freedom like this..  will I ever be able to go back to that?

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