
19 March 2012

pursuit of happiness

Money fame power...
pursuing these... people say wont really lead you to happiness, they say these are shallow goals, superficial, when u achieve still u feel empty etc.. kind of like the gold pot under rainbow pursuits...
Family, people, love they say  bring real joy!
Travelling alone I realised even these goals family/love/stability/perfection...even these are rainbow- gold pot type pursuits. controversial but true. Its the same thing as power fame money...
unless we  find happiness inside ourself, everything else is still gold pot under rainbow pursuit- no?

I m sure having good close friends, loving partner and kids bring us a lot of joy no doubt... making money, being successful? also brings us joy...
well actually what I think I m trying to say that the converse is not true.
 making money, being successful? also brings us joy..,not having money or success need not necessarily make us sad! :-)
Ye!!! yes this is exactly what I actually thought -
similarly having good close friends, loving partner and kids bring us a lot of joy no doubt...but not having these need not make us sad at all :)

What I actually thought is that these things as such are not bad at all, they bring us joy, but pursuit is bad,? Pursuit is also not bad, making something a pre-condition for our happiness is bad. "I will be happy if..." I think the "will be" and "if..." part  of that statement are wrong. "I m happy!" May be There are no pre conditions for happiness! ( yeah, not original - this is new age funda : ) but nice funda. )

1 comment:

  1. Sex and the City and Friends all these Sitcoms... they are promoting wrong expectations out of love.. the love they show in such shows and movies is ambitious/unrealistic (obviously:D) I want to be a CEO type love... It is shown to be like solve all ur problems type love...running after such will make us sad I feel.
