
10 February 2011


Frekonimics says that reduction of crime rate in 1990’s in US was directly related to abolishing the anti abortion law in 1970.. so all those guys who would have been born in 1970s whould would cause trouble in 1990s were well not born at all so no crime…
In a developed(??Oh humm Ill start liking it here some day) country like UK there are like 1% software engineer then Why are there so many girl software engineers(20%?) in a very traditional developing country like India..( which btw still practices female feotiscide)
In 1980s – ordinary Indian girls weren’t encouraged to study too much.. u see u wont get a groom who is more educated than u and then we will have to give a lot of dowry for a highly educated groom.
So essential skills for a girl were good cooking cleaning maintain house and knowledge of all traditions and etiquettes - all well and very nice..
Goal in life for a girls parents get my daughter married. ashte…
Then in mid 1990s a new breed of boys (and a few girls but this story is not about them :P) started emerging.. The software engineers, they would go on to change the face of India :P( whatever) What characterised this breed was sophistication, intelligence, suaveness – ah blah.. no one cares for all that.. but they had money… ah! now u are listening... loads and loads of it.. much more than any ordinary middle class man has ever seen in his life time… obviously they were THE prized catch in the marriage market… and so the dainty damsels were lined up in front of these and they had their pick.. but lo and behold what happens..
This new breed u would think had enough money to lead 2 families happily would look for homely girls but no.. money attacts money they say or for what ever other reasons.. the software engineer grooms wanted software engieneer brides to get married to! Not BA in Music, not Home science graduate not BCom but B.E. comp sci BE Electronics!!!
The whole of the Marriage market was shaken… what was this? What was happening.. 20 years of grooming down the drain? having studied the market they had perfected their product but.. the market had changed overnight!!!
Any capitalistic economy the suppy indeed catches up fast with the demand, and so this very developed and stable market indeed recovered and fast… huge queues were formed and MCA collegues started running to the full. BA Music + MCA = BE comp Sci.. = job at Infosys = SE groom! Yupiee!!
BA music, history, homesciecne forms were withdrawn and B E comp sci.. yeah those forms were taken and baking classes bandh, maths and science tutuion shuru..
And with in a matter of half a decade.. the number of girl students in any Engineering class went up from 10 % to 50% !!
This number varies along with the recession cycle too.. but has stabilized over the ages
And this is how a very traditional country like India breeds the best of the Lady engieneers in the world!
(based on a true statistics- the author personally knows a Bsc homescience who got forms for MCA and would have almost joined , if not for having found a bank manager groom in the mean time.
Edit: Now happily married with 2 kids :P everyone wants to know the endings of stories :P)

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