
18 December 2015


Straight, Gay, Lesbian, BiSexual. Logically there should be something called single also right? someone who doesnot want any partner at all? My thoughts ran like this many times.
There is! Asexual. One in a Hundred is like this.

We are all unique. Label is just a label. everyone has a shade of this and that and everything else.

for everyone who has ever wondered what is the big deal about sex? everyone else is pretending or what? this is the place to go to!
asexual is someone who doesnot get sexual thoughts! but what is a sexual thought? Its like telling a blind man what color is :) Its sweet! where do u draw the line? at the waist? :) :P !!??

If 99% of the people are sexual then why is the whole world trying to pretend to be like asexual? So much hypocrisy. For an asexual person this world is normal - but for all the rest its control/ hide /repress??!? since when they are in their teens? !! 

It is very hard for people to realise that other people may not be feeling/thinking like them. Either way. Sexual people feel asexual people are pretending to be "saintly" and Asexual person probably does not even understand what it is all about. 

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