
20 September 2017

Anuloma Viloma vs Nadi Shodhana

Alternate Nostril Breathing Pranayama where you breathe in thru one nostril and breathe out thru the other and then breathe back in and repeate. This  is called by two names in Yoga - Anuloma Viloma and Naadi Shodhana. What is the difference?

Apparently the difference is in Naadi Shodhana there is no holding of the breath after you have breathed in. So its breathe in thru left, breathe out thru right
breathe in thru right , breathe out thru left and repeat

Where are Anuloma Viloma is
breathe in thru left, Hold the breathbreathe out thru right
breathe in thru right,
Hold the breath breathe out thru left and repeat

The effect of Naadi Shodhana is calming of the mind, but Anuloma Viloma as additional benefits of increasing the Prana in the body.

Ps:  some websites  swap the definition , so one is this and one is that. dono which is which.
Anyway holding the breath one is more advanced one.


  1. I have learnt it the opposite. IN fact anuloma viloma is simple alternate nostril breath, whereas nadishodhana has variants that alter the rations between inhale, exhales and retention. But at its simplest nadi shodhana and anuloma viloma are same. Sometimes it looks like it depends who your teacher is. Then again I first heard anuloma viloma as name for stepped breath, but I now think that this is anuloma krama for stepped inhale, viloma krama for stepped exhale and anulomaviloma krama for stepping both inhale and exhale.

  2. Yes! There seem to different/opposite opinions on the internet about which is which :-) Most people just say they are the same. I guess the summary is there are 2 ways of doing this pranayama and holding breath is more advanced one.
