
1 July 2011

how far can u go

Pitiable picture of a doggy in an ad asking for donations for wspca. They will vacccinate and probably neuter 10 dogs if I give a donation of 10£ per month. Wasnt this what I was thinking this afternoon? How far can anyone go, some people turn vegetarian because they dont want to kill to eat.. but plants are life.. so some wont eat plants which grow below the ground.. u kill the plant when u eat... but rice and wheat.. they flower and they die.. so some saints go ever further they eat only that which has fallen off the trees on its own..( what about scavenging on meat :P ) anyway.. how far will u go?
I vaccinated and neutered 2 dogs in my street.. my heart goes out to many.. but how far can I really go? I can only do this much.. SPCA can only do this much.. they probably operate 15-20 dogs a day . really dedicated Vets - hats off to them I really felt good talking to them and very loving personnel- dog handlers. He spoke so lovingly to the street dog Id taken there.."Yenu agalla putta, Yako bhaya padtiya..." :-)
Feeding pigeons and ducks in the park... and squirrels.... I dont do that.. I want to... but there are boards saying dont... hmm and I m against animals being dependent on
some people even feed ants with sugar....Crows :-) My funny cousin started feeding crows one day.. very soon 100's of crows and huge rukus ! haha LOL! :-)
I hate people feeding monkeys on highways and railway stations, Those guys start risking their life for food :-(
May be we should just do our bit, what ever we feel like, what ever we can and for the rest - there is always .. G o D :-D

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