
30 June 2011

Summary of dreams book

I read the dream diary thing article and this is what came out of that
1) rewind your day for ten minutes before you go to bed. dont try to recollect everything just the emotional highs lows and anything that catches ur eye. dont analyse and think, just touch over everyhting. this will help clear the mind and give rise to more interesting dreams
2) keep a dream diary - write down the dreams
3) if u want to remember the dreams stay in the same position as when u woke up. that way it is easier to remember them
4) dreams become longer as u complete more sleep cycles, so better dreams come early in the morning. napping is good because body mostly makes up for REM in the afternoon sleep.
5) asking for things in the dream etc.. these are advanced practices.
6) make ur bedroom a santuary - make a sleep ritual so that as soon as u start the ritual body knows that it has to sleep. light aromatheraphy candels clean sheets etc
7) body asleep mind awake means sleep paralysis not just relaxed body.
8) hypogognia.. stay as awake as possible untill the last minute ( but this makes me stay awake for a long time, even body doesnot fall asleep :) just still.)
He touched upon dream yoga by tibetan monks then he continues aboout dream interpretation. there are many ways of dream interpretation than which may be given in a book and it is very personal for us. it really helps if u keep a dream journal as u can connect dreams
9) dream journaling - just start as soon as possible, but it may be a long long time before u start to remember the dreams, have patience. 1) U can have a table lamp so that if u wake up in the middle of the night u can write in the lamps light. 2) Just jot down basics and then complete the journal later in the day , in commute or in the time when u read the news paper. inhibit your instincts to complete the story or make a more sensible stroy out of the dream, if u are getting that instinct write down both the versions of the stroy.
10) May be being vegeterian will help in better dream recall ( that is why I had closer OBE type things in Jindal? )

Book2 Shadows book
talks of something very similar to louise hay, but I liked it more when louise told it.
shadow or collective unconsciousness
we should accept and embrace our darkside only then we will be whole
basic ideas are same as being conscious of our feelings and accepting all feeling whether bad or good
being sympathetic towards ourselves
all feeling when accepted will tell a story, we need to listen to this and remember it, we should not reject this. this may be from our childhood. we should accept and the dark feeling may go away.

I didnt take home much and didnt like this book much :-( I think it was the American accent that is jarring on an ebook...felt like a sell.. telemarketing.

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