
27 January 2014

moral humility

moral humility! I love that concept. It may help find answers to many questions.

These days I am (intellectually at least) against convincing other people to my point of view.  how can I be so sure I m right and they are wrong?

Church and evangelist did just that, they were very sure they were right and converted half the world into Christianity. they were thinking they did absolutely right.. it is very doubtful if the effect of that is good.

When I m trying to convince someone that they should diet/become a vegetarian or start re-cycling or save the world and not make their children sissy what if I am being an evangelist.
what if they are killing girls! can I still practice moral humility? What would Dalailama or Buddha do in this case? think win win..
don't think for and against. They don't "want" to kill girls.  punish them, stop them is not gonna work. we need to find a win win. There may be some people who want to kill most do it because .. . ( Grr I m getting angry with them. I want to kick them. I m not good at this understanding thing. )

but may be we will find better solutions to problems when we start thinking win-win. EVERY problem has to have a win win solution, nature vv/s man.  dolphins vs whalers etc.
Its just a ray of hope or a glimmer I see, there is no right and wrong, there is no sides. we are all on one side.
what if we were killer whales? what if our sense of self extended beyond ourselves. would we fight our right hand with our left hand? unless it is a very very dire situation most times we should find a solution which saves both hands, not a compromise with losing a little bit of both hands! but a win win situation, may be we will be smart enough to find that.

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