
13 January 2014

saving lives at all costs

[This may not be politically/morally correct, But What the heck ]
Sudden thought I need to stop my donations to RSPCA.
They send me pamphlets about what work they do,
They spent 10,000£ to rehabilitate a mangy dog with half of its mouth torn off.  They rescue a neurotic cat which cant go out, cat with hole in the heart, dog with attitude problems ready to attack any one. They do psychotherapy for these animals and try to fix them and send them to people to adopt.
I wonder what would be the quality of the life of people who adopt these problem pets? Its not the pets fault that it got so sick, its old owners were horrible horrible people.. but still.. is it justified? my money being spent on almost a hopeless case? ( yeah yeah you may think I m a heartless bitch, like I care :-P)

I tried to keep this indoor plant alive for 6 months, insect sprays, re-potting, fertilizers, change window etc ets. It was alive but sickly for such a long time. I wonder was it really kind of me to keep it alive like that? Shouldnt I have just thrown it in the bin as soon as I realised it has root rot?

Now I realise, if a fish is sick, flush it, if a indoor plant is sickly and dying, bin it. If a pet is really sick - like it has diabetes or heart disease? :( enthuse it?? not sure. don't buy breeds which are introducing such problems into dogs, they were eliminated by natural selection in street dogs!
That is the hard reality of life.
We are working against evolution when we try to keep unsuitable specimens alive, . Most plants and animals are designed to be alive only in top most condition, once they suffer damage, they give up and die quickly.  ever tried to save squirrels and baby birds?
Also  It is a huge huge drain on our emotions ( more than money, its the emotions)  It may be a tiny little fish, but seeing it die little by little every day or the plant not reviving at all is really downing.

And what about little ones? I love tulasi plant (holy basil), One summer I had about 500 saplings of basil :-) Should I save them? can I save them? because it is a plant answer is easy - make kashaya and drink. What about baby rabbits or puppies or kittens? Every species produces in excess to compensate for infant mortality, Save them all?

When we put in lot of effort into keeping these things alive, is it kindness or is it pity? or is it some kind of guilt and obligation? which are all wrong reasons.

and What about people?

 Is it really kind to try to save lives at all costs? In this day and age I wonder ... we can keep things and people "alive", even those who are in a really bad way.  The blue baby, accident victim  in coma.... and we are morally obliged to do this in this day.

But it does raise a question, should we change our morality?

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