
30 March 2009

My blog

Just noticing what my posts look like...There are so many posts about genetics/evolution and psycology. I am mainly thinking about why people and societies are the way they are and "all" my interest seem to be of this type.

Another thread (running in my head - may not be on the blog) is knowing self better( atleast started that way :D ) -> meditaiton ->philosophy->occult-> astral projection-> entheogen-> psychology->brain structure etc.

Looking at my current interests...

cosmos, string theory, relativity - some I showed some interest.

also want to know how other people think ->philosophy - attempt at biographies stopped early as i found them quite dry.

no interest in economics. Very scant interest in maths. No interest in biographies.
Interest in contemporary history( history of christianity, how did lal bagh come into picture, WW2..)
ancient history - deep interest
mythology - myths - yes
Mysteries - yes
Culture - names of artists - no
Trivia /Gk - no
politics - no
chemistry - no
business and management - no
technical - no tho sometimes somewhat geeky interests like downloading flash in sony mobile, and changing the skin of my laptop...
shayari no
thoughts of others scant - sartre, ayan rand..
rights justice social work - no
How to do art - yes
certain hobbies - paintin carpentry soap carving box building etc
interest in healthy improvement - body and mind

interest in science, mostly fringe science( again cosmos and biology)... and overview rahter than depth.
interest in difference in varios races fo the world, eg: how to chinese, south american natives , europeans, africans, indians -dance,sing, play instruments,physical charesteristics...
interest in gardening - related insects etc - again biology,

no humour posts. dont i ever think funny? i never think funny with passion. my sense of humour is absurd.
I havent written any "I did this" stuff too
i havent written any "dream or a story or a plot.."
May be i havent seen my blog as a place to put such things, for that matter ive never written any such stuff in my life.

Blog analysis link sent by my friend.. I felt that fits with my blog analysis blog :)

The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:

ESTP - The Doers

The active and playful type. They are especially attuned to people and things around them and often full of energy, talking, joking and engaging in physical out-door activities.

The Doers are happiest with action-filled work which craves their full attention and focus. They might be very impulsive and more keen on starting something new than following it through. They might have a problem with sitting still or remaining inactive for any period of time.

The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:

INTP - The Thinkers

The logical and analytical type. They are especially attuned to difficult creative and intellectual challenges and always look for something more complex to dig into. They are great at finding subtle connections between things and imagine far-reaching implications.

They enjoy working with complex things using a lot of concepts and imaginative models of reality. Since they are not very good at seeing and understanding the needs of other people, they might come across as arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to understand what they are talking about.

The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:

ESFP - The Performers

The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.

The enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions.

17 March 2009

trail of thought

love and marriage to community rising of children to tiger elephant deer to ape societies to Jane goodal to chimpanzee and to bonobo. bonobo to women and peace. so back to square one.

I was just curious to know how I got to bonobos on the first place. Truly google is extension of our brain, Search trails are just like thought trails..

11 March 2009

to be or not to be [dont read this one types]

Be warned this post goes here there and nowhere... just for me. but here it is - from one of the drafts.

This is one of those days , I am troubled. 
There is a sudden anxiety what if what ever we believe is wrong? at the end of life :D ull face questions bla bla. haha just writing it makes me realise how silly it is. so what at the end of the life u realise this or that or whatever, life will end anyway. and thats it.
This is again the fault of our society which enforces the belief that life has to be meaningful , that u have to achieve something that u have to leave behind something ur genes most preferably! Ha! you know what? it doesnot matter - cause U u will never ever know!!!!! Newton is remembered 500 years since his death and his brother probably forgotten, doesnot matter. and Ghangis khan probaly left behind loads of his genes.. does it matter to him?
Boss , do what u can when u are alive, dont bother about what u really leave behind. cause u know? u wont last after u are gone anyway. :P

Ok after this rant, comin to what I believe, I have this funda or a thing going on these days spritual thing. be in the moment, accept pain and happyness and everything else. once u accept it doesnot feel so bad( the pain that is and the happyness :p) 
and all the life beyond the grave thing, I mean its not the fact that ill live beyond my death that interests me, but that there may be other dimensions to us right now when we live. I like that concept. and that our logical mind - that it can only see and analyse just a minute fraction of life. there is much more to life and to see that u have to shut this logical mind - sometimes called Ego. up!!
When Ego shuts up, the intution lights up and u realise and see things which u ignored with static all this while.  U'll see ur emotions and ur sub conscious . and the philosophy goes beyond this to say that, u will get past that also, u will observe the other dimensions to your self the other worlds... but ultimately u'll just realise that  there is no u and i and that its all one... then there will be peace or enlightenment or what ever.
hmmm that is way past me, when I frankly think about it, I am looking for the excitement of seeing new dimensions the experimetning , the anticipation of discovery. along with this I am also looking for stability of emotions and fullfillment. 

Two threads running in parallel. be in the moment and notice ur emotions thread, this I use tomake myself more stable and happy. you know what? it works, Louise hay works, When ur mind starts clearing up u start doing thigns differently which makes ur life better not only in the spritual way but in the materialistic way as well.
on the other hand there is this occult thread, experimenting and discovery and study thread - if u look at this thread from the being in the moment perspective u find that this is a pursuit of the ego ... Ill just let this thought be aside.
These two threads, they both converge - I find this difficult to see.  But they ultimately lead to the same goal enlightenment. u go beyond ur mind into the sub conscious and super conscious and then u ll be enlightened, but the two approaches.. they are so contradictory. Occult work is goal oriented, its like getting a degree ... trying to achieve do u get close to enlightenment with this.
I realy dont see how they converge.

Ok my trouble at times comes from the fact that when I follow occult and the being in the moment spritual thing,   My interest in the materialistic life is decreasing, I want to study occult or meditate or garden and I am very happy doing these things and i am peaceful, but my job is suffering, sometimes these thougths come into my head that u learn more by being in the world by meeting more people- not by studying. Is it true?
I dont think so, I think u learn about the material world more when u meet people u learn to be cunning( no I dont mean it in a bad way, just mean u will learn the ways of the world )  and how to deal with people , how to make money the strategies and the games. will this help me be more happy ? the other life is making me really happy.
My worry at times is, what if the other life is not  true what if the other life doesnot make the material life happy. what if I regret the missing out on the material life. What if I feel bad that my jr are promoted ahead of me? should I start runnin on the threadmill just cause of this what if or should I follow my heart? 
The answer is clear, follow ur heart, u will learn to differentiate ur feelings from others judgements. u will see that u cannt live to be judged by others... u can but that wont give u the sense of happiness -  atleast not me. but I am not yet able to completely push off the effect of others judgment on me. 
May be end of life - u should be more worried about how others judge ur life than what u will. and how u will feel about others judgements. ;-) but then again it wont last long  :P as ur life will end and give u a relief soon anyway.... 
hmmm hmmmm


How many times have we heard this! This is not fair!  We think fairness is our birthright! we don't want to be discriminated based on color gender age race money, we don't want reservations.
I was a sucker for fairness too.
I wanted everything to be very fair I was very fair to everything. but.... That left lot of questions unanswered. Especially related to my gender, being a woman I resented a lot of things. lot of things are NOT fair and thats the way it is. this bothered me like hell. 
A must read book is selfish gene by Richard Dawkins.
Look at nature- If you look at it from selfish gene perspective, Each gene is vying for its own survival. Its cut throat competition out there. Everything is fair in love and war and definitely survival. Its business and only business.  

I mean all this is not done consciously, it so happens due to natural selection, that only fittest genes survive. by hook or crook there is no moral police or any police only nature wild nature.
Things can get so corrupt - as we all know the cell division process meiosis. Where the double Helix is split into two... a mutation is present in rats which corrupts even this meiosis.( but its a recessive gene if not rats would be extinct by now. or I guess the gene would be extinct! :D )

 So the answer is.  the whole expectation of fairness.. thats what is wrong! the world is like this, Its not fair! so? thats they way it is. Thats it. Why the hell should the world be fair? so that its easy for u? Big deal, u are not even a dust spec in this world. 
so no fairness in this world sorry :D yeah. this makes me be at peace with myself.

I am scared

I read this article - whatever the context of the article... it mentioned that the scientist observed two groups of rats - one was put in stimulating and challenging environment and another in  a routine monotonous environment.  
The study showed that juvenile and adult rats in enriched environment had developed newer brain connections and brain cells and the others.....
well the words "routine monotonous" have stuck in my job....
I am trying to convince myself, that I do read a lot of  stuff and have a lot of hobbies and play with my pets and so all that will contribute to the enriched environment part.. 
but my job.... !!!!! 


As humans we think we are the epitome of love and compasion, when someone behaves cruel, we call him ( always a him :-D ) a  beast, an animal. I have a few pets and I love animals, when ever I hear this, it pricks me. Ive seen animals show so much compasion and love. Animals are far more human than people at times.
My cats are so affectionate to each other, always grooming, waiting for each other. sharing food. They are even nice to my dog! They all say good mornin to each other, touchin their noses every morning. when I took my cats to my mum's place they were annoyed and hiding from me, but they did comeout to greet my coco!!!!! smell his nose and butt and all!!! anyway...
Its really touching, the affectionate loving bonds between animals, There is this black dog near my house, it had pups and it was in a bad shape with lot of bugs on it. It's  friend - Old man, really old dog who roams around all over the layout. I am sure this guy is not romantically interested in this doggy. He use to come over in the evening and lovingly removes the bugs from her eyes with his teeth. He plays with her pups as well. Sweet this is. Really nice friendship. 
Love affection and friendship human - perogative? not at all. If I think about the it, the most original love,  must have been between mother and child - in mammals and birds. love between friends and family ( not sure about family, there is lot of love(???) between sisters in bees and ants... ) love between partners all came much much later... but still much before humans, much before primates even.. Love between partners evolved  may be in the time of birds ..?
I think scientist and people in general really underestimate the emotive capacity of animals and birds, a few labarotray test will prove only their logical ability - which I think is the pergative of humans.  We need to measure love with love, connect to the animals emotionally and then we know how much we can comminicate with them. We also arrogantly and falsly think of ourselves - people as epitome of higher emotions. To be human is to me to be more logical , to be able to do math better, That is what evolved specifically to us( so scientific backin to this, its all what i feel, let us see if it fits in). Love kindness alturism are all ancient emotions which may be as evident in other mammals as us.
If you think about it. Love just like lungs for breathing on land is an evolutionary adaptation which has helped species survive. so why such a big deal about it? I think the big deal is because we are evolved to make a big deal about it ;-) 

10 March 2009

women and peace

Happy womens day ! 
I ve always wondered if humans society would be more peaceful if it was female dominated. And ... you know what? actually it would .
Bonobo and chimpanzee.
Bonobo and chimpanzees are very closely related great ape species , they live on opposite banks of the river congo.
It so happens that Bonobos have a female dominated - matriarchal society where as the chimps have very strictly male dominated. Even tho they otherwise have a very similar social structure. 
It turns out, Bonobos are far more peaceful creatures than Chimpanzees. Chimp males will kill any other male not belonging to their group. All meetings between non related ( not from the group that is) turn out violent, even fatal. Not so with Bonobos. Male Chimps are pretty abusive to their female counterparts, Bonobos pretty nice. Bonobos, in-fact are called graceful apes. They seem to show more compassion and altruistic behavior. [But this is still disputed by a few scientists] BTW There are a few other things you may find interesting about bonobos which u can go google for yourself :P 
 we are obviously follow the chimpanzee behavior rather than the bonobo line [we diverted from the common ancestor of both these lines like 8 milion years ago, and they separated from each other 1 million years ago. so if at all, chimps and us have followed the same line of evolution - genetically/socially independently. ]
Bonobos live among the rain forrest while chimps live in more arid and difficult terrain. Bonobos live in a more favorable environment than the chimpanzees. Some scientists cite this as the reason for the difference in behavior. May be cause things got difficult for survival of homo sapiens, and the society had to get cruel - male dominated to survive ( like chimpanzees)?Humans do have the capacity for strong female bonding, required for a matriarchal society,Tolerance of males to infants not their own..caring of the young by both genders... On second thought, May be we are more like Bonobos than chimps after all han? Now that times have changed and the environment is more favourable - will we see a turn in the scheme of things ??? :-) 
In 2012? :) Now that is another discussion !!!  

Interesting addendum from
Social Organization among Various Primates
Bonobo communities are peace-loving and generally egalitarian. The strongest social bonds are those among females, although females also bond with males. The status of a male depends on the position of his mother, to whom he remains closely bonded for her entire life.
In chimpanzee groups the strongest bonds are established between the males in order to hunt and to protect their shared territory. The females live in overlapping home ranges within this territory but are not strongly bonded to other females or to any one male.
Gibbons establish monogamous, egalitarian relations, and one couple will maintain a territory to the exclusion of other pairs.
Human society is the most diverse among the primates. Males unite for cooperative ventures, whereas females also bond with those of their own sex. Monogamy, polygamy and polyandry are all in evidence.
The social organization of gorillas provides a clear example of polygamy. Usually a single male maintains a range for his family unit, which contains several females. The strongest bonds are those between the male and his females.
Orangutans live solitary lives with little bonding in evidence. Male orangutans are intolerant of one another. In his prime, a single male establishes a large territory, within which live several females. Each female has her own, separate home range.

war on terror

Buggers! Aphids and mealy bugs!!! 
They are the first hurdle you will face when gardening, especially f u start gardening in spring.
U wont even notice them for a few weeks, then ur plants will look sickly, all the new leaves curled up, even burnt up. If u really peer under the leaves and look closely , u'll see these ugly B!@#!@#s. 
What do u do? U go buy hi-tech pesticides - equip yourself with gloves, a mask if u please, spray away to glory. Blast off these buggers. feel like a super hero may  be...  Next day ull find all them all burnt up black specs on the leaves and feel satisfied.. and in a week youll see some nice succulent new growth too! Now you can smile smugly,  put your foot up on the table, relax with a cup of tea? ha ha!! you wish. 
Just another few days, all ur new growth is curled up again and this time around if u really really peer under the leaves may be with  a microscope, u'll see them- baby bugs!!!! so back you go - to your laser gun to Zap off the baby B#!@^&@s?? 
You could be doing this all summer and all ull have is a few inches of poor growth and a bad bad allergy from all the chemicals and the fluff from mealys... but all the mealys and aphids safely back on your plants !!!! 
This is what happened to me last year, when i started to attempt to garden. Frustrating!!

Well  I did solve the mystery - thanks to the internet. The culprit(s) are Ants!!! Ants herd and rear the aphids just like we herd cattle.  It is amazing how nature works. Aphids sucks out the plant sap, on the new growth and they excrete honey due- full of sugar. This is where the ants come in- They feed on this honey due. Its not just that..- aphids are not very mobile, so Ants carry them  to new growth  from plant to plant. Ants care for the aphid young in winter . ( in their nest? may be, i think so, cause I blasted every bit of the plant but there were new babies every time) and protect them from predators!!![SEE PICTURES]in return they milk the aphids and store the honey dew!! Ants supposedly even use some drugs to control aphids!!! Ants are even known to cultivate fungi in their nests!!!![see link]  we think we are the only advanced creatures on this earth :P
Anyway if u want to get rid of Aphids, first get rid of ants( some ant powder) then spray the aphids with soap water and Neem oil, twice a week for 2 weeks and then once a week for a month and then as necessary,yeah that simple. u need to take care to spray throughly under the leaves tho. This even takes care of spider mites- which are not killed by pesticides.
Now  we know, we have to deal with the Pak Govt before we can get rid of Taliban! :D 

few links..

Cute by definition, means ugly but lovable.

Ever wondered how certain imperfections can be so so darn charming at times...?
dont u just love the lisp, english spoken with spanish ascent - Antonio bandares mmmm
for that matter,i like crocked teeth too..  I mean crocked in one particular way makes it more attractive - like mausimi chatterji.
Scientific studies say that we really like symmetric faces and perfection.
But isnt perfection annoying? ( Aishwarya rai! ) to me it is :) a kink, a dent, a scratch thats what makes things and people more endearing? no?
or is it only me? :D

2 March 2009


Oh man, I want this real bad!!! 

I've been dreaming about this since the day my colleague showed it to me. Now I can read all the official 
pdfs and docs on my system anytime just like a book! :-P yeah! I am bull shitting.
Its to read all the interesting collection of books I have - out of print, obscure, secret books that i have on my system,There are loads, and 
I feel I am not making progress! Its taking ages to read each one ! :,-(
On the laptop :( printout does not work . so this is my saviour. hope to get this real soon, somehow.