
25 May 2017

I like audio books read by women more than by men :)
I love audio books and podcasts in genral, but the actors who read (??? narrate, a better word ) the books are sooo awesome. Lot of love.

7 May 2017


Be aware of mental resistance, accept resistance is there, dont fight resistance, just notice it.
Resistance is there, It is the enemy of understanding, but still its fine, no fighting it. 
Resistance comes from past experience, It is the reaction to the past situation, not the current situation.
you are a different person now, the situation is different now, so, is the same reaction relevant? It may be, it may not be.
Are all generalisations resistance?
Resistance can be recognised by this feeling of blocking out, no no no no, I dont want to listen, I dont want to look, I just know that it is going to be horrible :D Making a decision before examining is resistance.
Stubborness  is resistance
Indignation is resistance
Resistance actually feels like physicsal resistance, like wading thru think viscous liquid, it feels like dragging a heavy weight on the floor, making a grating noise. resistance is when u close ears, eyes and shout lalala la to prevent ourselves from hearing everything.
Resistance is what I m feeling towards meeting people
Resistance is what I m feeling towards western  mindfullness

Another definition of resistance is - Resistance to the current moment. Not accepting the current moment, we spend most of our lives in this state :-)