
30 January 2011

Little women and werewolves...

Guess I am running out of great books and picking up these from the library...
I expected to read a comedy parody of little women when I picked up this book.. I read little women 15 years ago, may be long before.. when I was in the middle of classics craze... too sugary preachy too sweet.. self righteous. I was determined to not like it. I think almost every page I sighed oh! so cheezy.. :D
Little women and werewolves is not a parody, not a comedy either( tho sometimes I wonder if the author is making fun of the original plot :P exhibition of the amputees -after reading the full book, ya -I guess she is....she kinda sucks :P) Its like reading little women all over again .
and I am so surprised to see that when I am coming close to the pages where Laurie is going to propose to Jo and she is going to refuse.. I just cant get myself to go forward.. I am emotional :-( poor Jo :( I hate it that he will go and like that scheaming lil Amy later. I am heartbroken, When Beth dies, I am afraid Ill I cry again! I cant believe that this novel had touched me so deeply the last time around.. It is so cheezy and sugary! god, its almost unbearable with all the characters having nothing but good in them and all that.. but these good writers are really sneeky. They just sneek in and touch ur heart even when u are very well prepared to dislike their work?! and u wont even know it then. Lousia Alcott is a great writer.. it is so obvious - the added parts suck so badly...There are so many different levels or writings...even if u think u dont know and dont care much about language and the style of writing etc, I think we do feel the quality of writing.Arthur Clarke is good in all the books he wrote...J . K Rowling - Harry potter all books are good... I would think Arthyr clarke is way better... She is not as good as the classic writers but she's better than the twilight and the poison study ladies and Dan brown ,who were one book wonders and then started churning out the same things all over again and then there are writers of those M n B type books who totally suck.. so - wide variety of quality... I guess I need those low quality books to read when in the loo and just to fill those 5 - 10 mins u get here and there :D dont feel like using those for good books..
About little women - I relate to the girl Jo...Made me think of the author herself- its an autobiographical character after all.. I feel a dull ache in my heart.. Spinsterhood was a dream and the fate of old world feminists....I think ..I too belong to that group(old world feminist, I mean- not spinster :P).. and I am one of the last survivers of that group... they dont make girls like tat any more :-) Are those sentiments really valid in todays world I wonder... anyway... apparently intended Jo to be a spinster but her readers couldnt take it that she split up Jo and Laurie and that their fav character would be an old maid. So she brought in the odd German professor to be her husband.. I am surprised that I am one of those readers who is very disappointed that she split up Jo and Laurie and then paired him with that chit of a girl Amy! Grrr :) and I would be sadder if she was left to be old maid ( but the author in fact was one) Why? Do I also think being a spinster is sad then?!!! I dont like this sentiment in me!!! - I ve always thought that people can be quite happy and content without being married without children etc... Is it about her being a girl? no I would be just as sad if she married off Jo to someone and left the boy Laurie to be an Old bachelor.. but I dont feel sad about captain Haddock in Tintin do I? :-) May be if there was no Laurie at all in the book, If she was just happily writing books and staging plays and went on to not marry at all...ah! then I would not think it sad...hehe Hope I am not going all romantic at heart :D Grrr
Times have changed and today it is not necessary to be spinster to be all independent and a fiery author - I empathise with the women of those times - They did a bigger sacrifice to be different to follow their hearts...they had it harder - harsher society, harder finances/jobs harder to come by/more moulds to that Harder or funner? a bigger challenge is bigger fun :)(I think those times lasted till about 1980's :) When I was younger I liked doing those things that annoyed people more. now people accept everything - even sadu aunts :) There is no fun for rebel without causes like me anymore sigh!:D
Its a book and just a story after all.. I m gonna pick it up and read now :P

21 January 2011

dream diaries

Funny - trying to remember dreams. people said write them down.
From when I ve started to think Ill write them down, Ive started dreaming after every dream that I wrote them down! :D :P :P :P Shame on me! :D

20 January 2011


When ever I sit in the tube

Should I get up and give seat to someone..

Is anyone old standing and I am sitting

When I do see an old person

Hesitation – is he/she old enough to offer seat?

Should I?

Will they feel embarrassement if they are not really old but haven’t dyed their hair etc?

If they think they are young?

Hmmm… before I make up my mind and the person gets off with in one stop and goes

Another one keeps standing..

I am feeling Very odd..

Should I embarrasse myself and still offer seat

Ok I did make up my mind and offered seat to one lady who looked tired one day

She thanked me and sat down

Few days pass – most of my journey passes with this kind of discomfort

Then the good thing happens.. believe me it’s a good thing

This man – 50-60 standing in front of me. Train is crowded

Should I give up seat? Grr …

He wiping off sweat profulesy slipping

Ufff too much

I got up and offered seat..:-$

Oh no no no I am not tired, please sit down. Umm I wont back off so easily it is embarrassing to sit down no?

I offer he refuses I offer he refueses L I sit down.

Then…next stop someone gets off – almost half train gets off and he gets a seat and sits down.

I am uncomfortable meeting his eye.. I am embarrassed that I sat back after offering as if I was half hearted offering seat.

Aah but that lasted half an hour.. Now I am rid of that stupid discomfort for ever

I sit and I no longer offer seat to anyone. If its really old and standing right in front of me.. probably then..The thought also is not bothering me.

Embarrassement is a good cure..

I am wondering why I didn’t cure myself earlier… it has such temporary discomfort and permanent relief.

I am thinking of using it as an effective tool on myself.. just embarrase myself first day so it wont matter after that :-D

Simple no?

18 January 2011

create death?

Continuing on, I was wondering if we will re-invent death and introduce it to our appliances. I think we will do this pretty soon, mobiles will die in 3 years. They will decompose and get back to nature just like we do. TV;s 5 years? cars 10-15? houses - 100? or 25?
Death of animals was by design , destruction is as much needed as creation. we are still baby- creators so we untill now in the civilisation have thought of only creation, destruction took care of itself.. ( wonder if early life forms died of old age? do viruses die of old age? when did old age and death evolve? ) Only now - after thousands of years of civilisation - the big recycle problem- is really a problem.
and We have to copy nature once agian...use its wisdom. so when we create anything new.. we will plan its death, put in a timer - set its life time, plan its death and decomposition....
We will also save on lot of resources.. many houses are built to last 300 years but are demolisdhed in 30-40 years? if we plan on death and re-use we will save lot of resources and money.
As the civilisation progresses i think we learn more and more about nature and understand why everything is the way it is...we settle down...we are making a big fuss but we just invented non recyclable things...we will learn. we are adaptable species.
Death used to be fascinating/feared then it turns out it is bare necesity of nature...and immortality on the other hand seems more like curse and It is impractical from natures point of view :)

We should plan death of software as well....self destructing source code - become redundant after certain date - other wise test_app.c will still be there in 2050 :) or should we??
- DNA doesnot die, design of new animals is never from scratch -we still have legacy code like gills when we are embryos!!!...

There a lot of theories for aging...Actually there is lot of read on this subject...
(BTW I dont like aging, i mean I wouldnt like my mobile to age, but I would like to die tho and decompose :-) )

12 January 2011

childhood's end by Arthur C clarke..

wow what a story!
Really built up the suspsense about the looks of the aliens and then.. :D wow!! hahaha!! Loved it! that really scared me .. sort of anti climax tho that they din have any ulterior motive and very really benovalent creatures...
but the story slightly scared me about spirituality.. he is making fun(?) or interpreting spirituality is such a way as to run creepies down my spine....
being one with god and all that... is it like this..? wow...being one with all - losing individuality ? is it really good? really creepy.
The overlords - I donot feel sad for them.. its not bad thing that they cant achieve oneness with overmind.. they have their individuality.. its a good thing.? hmm should humans envy them or feel sad for them? ( atleast from what happened in the story - Lucky..?)

He predicted that social structure will change in 1953 with the advent of oral contraceptive and DNA testing... hmmm society doesnot change at the speed of science.. there is a lot more lag. I understand.. even I wud think like arthur but...society din change all that much yet- did it? its been like 40 years now?? but he was dead on that there will be DNA testing in 50 years! :)
His prediction about entertainment have surely come true - "they watch 3-4 hours of entertainment per day and there is so much entertainment available that one would spend a life time if one wanted to watch everything that is available." :-)
He was wrong about cold war not ending :) din see India and China coming up so strong ...
He predicted end of racism and inter race marriages- which is kinda coming true..

I love how he came up with such different stories for the same theme - aliens.
Rama 1,2,3 is a different kinda alien different story, the 2001 space odyssey aliens are again different and this is something else...:)
It is properly tempered - the society in 2001 series has changed a lot because human race went out into space.. the society is slightly different from now in childhoods end because human race never left earth...I like Arthur Clarke.

8 January 2011

save the world and such crap

Ah! this Paulo coelho blog post makes me feel really good.. Exactly my feelings actually.

Whenever I read articles in newspapers or magazines written by politicians using global warming or the destruction of the environment for their electoral campaigns, I think:

How can we be so arrogant? The planet is, was and always will be stronger than us. We can’t destroy it; if we overstep the mark, the planet will simply erase us from its surface and carry on existing.

Why don’t they start talking about not letting the planet destroy us? Because “Saving the planet” gives a sense of power, action and nobility. Whereas “not letting the planet destroy us” might lead us to feelings of despair and impotence, and to a realisation of just how very limited our capabilities are.

Let’s be humble. Let’s respect Mother Earth because if She becomes furious with our behavior, we are in trouble.

When these people say Save the Earth, I always hear this argument in my head - Its not required to save nature or species or mother earth, life and earth are perfectly capable of saving themselves. species come and species go- 90% species have been eradicated many times over and new better ones(?? :-)) have sprung up.
It is us - humans who will be at loss if things go wrong with the world.
If we cut down trees in bangalore, is it a loss for mother nature or for us? mother nature is patient she will wait, in 3 million years when humans have gone extinct - trees will grow back...or may be not. The dominat species that time may be giant fungii.. what ever.
who is at loss then? mother nature at loss? or is it us? save the planet campain should be renamed as save ur a** :D
Thanks Paulo for putting that in perspective - nicely.

7 January 2011

Why do we sometimes watch/hear/pickup things which irritate us and then try and get irritated?
Its like "A Bail Mujhe Maar."
There is this really irritating regressive serial( korean one at that) I get so angry when I watch it cause it is so regressive. did I stop watching no? I watched and I found forums where I could air my feelings about how appalling it was :D I was really happy to find a lot of bashers tho..
I do this a lot, Twilight series - horrible :D I hated it, but I did finish it ! and got so angry and irritated... I do this a lot..
sometiems kick up topics so that I can get angry irritated and argue about it..

My internal argument against this was( dont agree with it, I am just creating an itch so that I can scratch)...
It is because I have an opinion and I care too much about soemthings and I hate the opposite... my opinion is so strong that I cant ignore. I care.
It is along the same lines fighting with the Auto guy for 2 Rs, asking someone who breaks the queue to please stand back,... but a lil more proactive stance..
peace loving people - They either dont care too much about things..

That is all ok but I do look for thigns to get worked up about and get worked up dont I? :) I do this a lot :P

5 January 2011

embarassing moment part 3

dont leave foot prints when u are snooping around on the net :-$

1 January 2011

Happy New Year

Such a stupid concept, why will we be happy just because the date is changed?
Its changed everyday. one or the other digit is changed everyday ..the new year will be just as miserable as the other years of our life. :-(

Edit: apparently being cynical like this is very common, my friend says

It is not just you. Many people have asked similar questions. So many people asked such questions that some clergy made it into a religious custom :-)
Jewish people have a custom - Ma Nishtana
at the last day of pass-over a child [or somebody] asks "why is this evening different from any other evening"
Elder people are supposed to respond

So yes, the day is no different. However if you treat it just like that it will be just that. But we want days to be different - we want everyday to bring in some change, turn preferably good :-) But we also know it is not the case. So we designate a day that we consider will make a change or at least we will make some thing
different - starting from a new diary....

I liked the idiomatic use of Ma Nishtana
  • Child: "Dad's in a bad mood today."
  • Mother: "Ma nishtanah?" :-D