
13 April 2020

Should architecture students study Vaastu and Feng Shui?
Is it inherent racism which is preventing us from seeing the wisdom in sciences of ancient cultures?  Belief that old cultures are inferior to western thought?
When yogasana and Ayurveda have proved to be more holistic approach to western exercise  and medicine and mindfulness and mediation have brought in a while new level to western psychology and . Its time to look at other ancient arts. 
BTW Who invented the  principles of western design and architecture? Who is defining the idea of beauty today? 

6 April 2020

Corona virus perspective 2

Its not even been a month and Oh Shit!  How I wish I was right about Corona not being such a big deal! Last month when I did the numbers to get a perspective on Corona virus, it looked harmless, 7000 deaths world wide.  It was spreading but only other 2 countries had let it happen and they had a death toll of 1000 each may be. I thought that would be the peak of it. 1% mortality... but
How things have changed!!! Its not even been a month. 1% mortality may be but how I under estimated its Contagiousness !
 The graph below is the damage done in just one month while the other numbers are for the year.
Preview ChartIf we project the corona numbers for the year and compare! It is beating heart disease and coming close to accidents!  Not that it will last the whole year and kill at the same rate! I hope not! That is just to make the comparison fair and give me an idea of the kind of damage this is doing.  (Also this is completely wrong as an estimate, as I am calculating linear growth while corona is growing exponentially )

Preview Chart