
27 November 2011

deepolution ...proven??!!

Look! what they have come up !! , They speculate  just like me, theories /stories/theories.. this theory is closer to my own...

It not a very big leap from this theory to my theory for evolution of blue eyes and blond hair

22 November 2011

Jim and Huck talking about stars

Huck thinks they just happened but Jim insists they were made.. Huck thinks there are so many of them, It couldnt possibly be made, so Jim says, probably the moon laid them! laid?!!?  Huck thinks he's seen  frog lay many eggs like that.. so he thinks it may be possible ! :-)
LOL! and kinda yew... :-D  Mark Twain is lovely! :D 

21 November 2011

new discoveries

Goji berries, sun flower seeds, Fish oil for joints! new additions to my Healthy(??) diet! :-) all borrowed from parkor article.

back massage with a tennis ball to press acupressure points awesome relief during cold.. temporary tho, it didnt cure my cold ..

another one! Oh well! I m falling sick every 2 months, so Ill try anything!
turned out pretty good, dono if it will work every time. - this one is supposed to be good for stamina and stomach issues! cool or what! I will become a health freak If I continue like this! mommy!! :-)

8 November 2011

Spider web

restrictions against being happy
I need my space to meditate
I need my solitude to be happy
I m not meditating because there is no proper space, no proper time, no proper environment
I m irritated becuase I m not able to meditation,
Interruption is bad for meditiaotn , it goes bad, my meditation is spoilt, my day is spoilt.
how easily ego puts up blame on others, makes something outside ourself responsible for our happiness and makes us miserable.
The main problem my dream tells me is the restriction I have put on myself that meditation is gone bad if someone interrupts in between, Its a pattern and wrong way of seeing things.
we have  thosands of unnecessary rules and restrictions by which we decide that its a gloomy day, my day is spoilt, my life is spoilt, etc etc
classic example in all spritual books, is a cloudy day- every cloudy day people go Oh no its  a sad gloomy day and when we see sun we are ye!! and happy. cloudy day is just that cloudy, it s not SAD!
our lables!! and our patterns! we r slaves to that.
I hate to be disturbed when I m eating, if someone interrupts me i will stop eating.
I hate it if someone picks food from my plate.
I have to have some hours of solitude in my life otherwise I m not happy.
Shooting game noise makes me go mad!
Mushroom smell! I cant stand it.
If I wear a sareee I will instantaneously combust and die !
who is at loss?  me!( I mean these are all not mine, some are mine, some are others)
when someone talks of crap when eating, manassu kettu hoytu , mansassu kedisiddi antivi. but we are just kicking in an age old pattern.
I cant work under deadlines, I dont perform well if someone is looking over my shoulder, I m not free, other people restrict me.. all these are restrictions I have put on myself. Like they say, nobody gets into my head and stops me. Its my patterns kick in, yes! it is unconscious, yes! undue critisism affects me unconsciously and it may seem like other prople are responsible for my saddness and happniess but the fact is, Its all in my head, it may be my own created pattern, or copied from parents or inherited as a species( flight or fight, territorial behaviour, groupism)
we are all pavlov's dogs, we actually sometimes use this in our favour. I mean not sometimes, all the time. thats what makes our life work smoothly but more like a machine.
bell = saliva
traditional = anger!
conditioning. I am alseep, like demello says wake up! and see.
Darren brown magic show, shows us how mechanical and machine like we are! u can make people do things by putting in appropriate hints - becuase we are all asleep, enlightenment is waking up!
I am responsible for not meditating, I am responsible for labeling and restricting myself to thinking I cannt meditate if i dont hve a proper place, I restrict myself to be unhappy if I dont have my space, I m responsile for finding a solution to this problem. The solution is not in making space, the solution is fixing the pattern in the head.
we always CAN. yes we CAN! 

7 November 2011

Road to hell... paved with good intentions :P but that is not what this post is about :D
Person with good intentions will think  "I want to do something, I want to do good to other people"
Then that person starts thinking "is there some kind of ego in this? Am I that good that I can do good to other people? Or I m being too egoistic?"
moto will change to " I want to do something for others because it makes me feel good, I want to do good to other people only because it can do good to me, I m not that great"  Is this being more truthful with ourself or  is this too much pride in modesty? and will this harm because we are putting ourselves down?
Jesus and Buddha didnt think all this, they just went and did what they felt like good or bad( nooo.. mostly good :D)  I think It was like going and drinking water for them. I drank water, I healed this lady, I pulled this cow out of water and almost died in the process - all approached with the same spirit. That is when we are pride less! ( How I wish I could be like that- pride-less,age- less,care-less ;-) I mean truly unconcerned about things from the bottom of my heart)
As long as we get these thoughts
"Oh I saved that cow! I am cool!"
 "oh no pride.. bad."
"I saved cow I feel good but I will forcefully make myself feel not good about it...Its not a big deal. I did it becuase it made me feel good thats all.."
I think thinking I saved that cow I m cool is better than second one?
Second one is double pride - I saved cow and I am cool and I am modest and I am cool!


Antoney De Mello's story

One simple man in a village gets a dream one night - God Vishnu comes in his dream and tells him, tomorrow eleven o clock a monk will pass through ur village, he has the largest diamond in the world. Ask him for it, If he gives it to you will be the richest man in the world.

Next morning, there is in fact a monk, crossing the village at eleven o clock! Man goes running to him-
Give me the diamond! give me the diamond! God told me you have it and it will make me richest man in the world!!
Monk says Oh yeah! I found it in my wanderings! Monk diggs into his sack..Take it! It is in fact the biggest diamond in the world.
Simple man takes the diamond, Is elated and jumps with Joy! but then he thinks and thinks and ponders and thinks  about it the whole day, Night he is back to the monk  returns the Diamond and says I dont want this diamond!! Give me that- give me those riches that make u capable of giving away this diamond so easily! :-)

5 November 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar

Good for skin! surprisingly so! Tried it for skin tags.
1 part ACV 2 parts water.. apply on face 3 times a day and my skin tags on the face are fading! It worked for others too.
Excellent toner! one silver bullet for many skin problems! its Awesome!

1 November 2011

normal distribution

ok, this is a repeated theory which keeps running in my head so here it goes
normal distribution of quality of girls /guys  - it may be in studies, (not looks) mentality, generally being a good person etc etc
my theory is that in any given random mixed group, like a class room or a company or a city or in a profession.
the top person is usually a guy - like the brilliant guy in the class, top designer etc. in the next lot say 99 to 85 percentile there are usually slightly more guys here than the girls. between 85 to 70 I think the number of girls and guys become equal and then we start seeing the dramatic difference I think 50% of the girls now fall into the average category between 45 to 70 % and the guys... I think most of the guys fall into the below average or worst category.. u will find very few worst girls below the 35 percentile.. its dominated by guys!
In short, Guys are more evenly distributed across the curve, but girls are more clustered around the middle.

No wonder it is difficult to find guys for girls in the marriage market... there are very good guys but very few.. and there are few average guys as well.. but average girls are plenty.
I wonder if this is becase our society is basically meant to be a polygamic society.. I mean if we think with a broad mind that is what makes sense.. looks like most of the male population is junk it is meant to be discarded only.. . the better guys should get more girls.. that makes sense..:-P

us v/s them

us v/s them attitude is the root of all defensiveness,
This came to me along with the "u are trying to be so careful not to break the shell but the eggs are boiled :-D" thing. In my dream!
may be this is writing on the wall but still
vegetarian v/s non veg
arranged marriage v/s love marriage
burka lady v/s bikini lady
When I m  discussing all these things, Its not about the actual issue in question, is it?
its always us v/s them.
Thats why I get really defensive about the subjects..Thats why the reactions are so strong and we are so unreasonable. Once u identify with the Us stand, u just cant see the good in the them stand, u just want to bash em up!  


A movie in a language which I dont understand, sounds more appealing than something I do understand?
subtiltes - when our brain matches the meaning to the words, Its not really like 2 organs doing a job, the ear and eye merge somehow and  after a while it becomes one. its not just 2, its 3 actually.. its not just looking, its reading...its a different sense than seeing..
but that apart, listening to something I dont understand is soothing..
is that because watching a movie with subtitles more like reading a book? :-)
There is a module in our brain which is linking the hearing and the reading togther, because the same line I read in a Iranian movie is different from the one when readin a French or Korean movie.. its differnet based on  accent and context and everything! Brain is cool!

good at heart aru

It was a joke really, sort of sarcastic comment aimed at a sharp tongued person :-) when ever he made a rude comment.(Oh he made those all the time :D) I used to say You talk like this but you are good at heart aRu. I did meant it too but the intention was to make a joke of him.
Now I am thinking, Its not a joke, If I can apply this in life - everywhere.Its a very good attitude! its very cool attitude really. If only we can see thru people and see that they are good at heart, even tho they may speak harshly, or they swear- at you, even tho they are silly and stupid :-) or casteist or racist or have a low opinion of you :-P not stick to your social values - drink, smoke, eat nonveg :-P promiscuous, watch porn, steal? have 4 children!!! dont recycle, spit on road, hunt! wear burqa, dont believe in abortion of downs syndrome kid on
All the apparently junk people may  actually be good at heart if only we have the good sense and maturity to see it.
but maturity eludes..
may be not in real time, atleast if we can see it in retrospect I guess it would be a good start.