
25 July 2018

Am I a hypocrite

People who insist on using separate vessels for meat and veg, who want to use separate vessels for festivals all this irritates me no end.

But according to pranic healing, energy permeates everything and this even if you wash it, if you cook meat in a vessel the energy stays. I believe in this. So basically I know the reason behind why they are doing it, I believe the reason to be true. Then why the irritation?

1) I believe that the nuisance and ill feelings such fuss causes far outweighs it benefit
2) the spiritual development of such people is minimal ( :-P yeah I know :P ) and such hygiene is required for serious and advanced yoga practitioners. Not for people who do maggie style sandhyavandane ;-)
3) Also I am not sold on the value of prana hygiene, It reminds me too much of un-touchability and all the social evils. nothing good could have caused it or could come out of it. I feel anyone on the path shud be beyond such small selfishness.  
4)  Is it because I think, They are using it for material benefits and not for spiritual

This comes under the general umbrella of my irritation towards many old customs, done ignorantly, causing more harm than good etc etc.  

24 July 2018

Blogger is a graveyard of blogs, all dead since years, no posts since 2011,2013...
I am feeling like an apocalypse survivor :-D

I am a puppet( and is there such a thing as a boatsman? )


I wish I was a poet,
so I could write this as a poem, this feeling is poem worth,
Alas I am not. I am however a puppet,
I am pulled constantly by invisible strings,
Sensations and feelings, like waves of the sea, gently and not so gently pushing me to the shore.
The strings so subtle, the currents so under the surface
There is more than one puppet master and more than one wave, I go hither and tither rather than a straight line
 I am the master of my fate, I am a boat with a sail and rudder, or so I sometimes think
Am the boat or the boatsman?
 Is there a boatsman?  or is it just me and the waves? or just the waves, no boatsman and no me?

17 July 2018

DO NOT correct peoples opinion on social media. Its a trap. Its a bait and every time we fall for it, They( THEY!!! the boogey men )  get our data, attention and time.

Or In real life for that matter, Its as much waste of time in real life as on social media. May be ask questions and try to understand why they have that opinion, there is absolutely no point trying to argue/correct people.

Yes yes Cow breaths out oxygen! :-) :P

13 July 2018

They are all doing it for relief, I am going it for enlightenment ;-)
On meditation
  - my ego 

12 July 2018

Autobiography of a yogi has a quote by Meera Bai - She was a woman saint in medieval India. When some men didnt allow her into a spiritual place because she was woman she said - Dont u know you are all female too and the only male is God?

One of my friends once told me that when Sufi saints die - They perform Urs, which is a marriage of the saint with God! The songs of the Sufi are always sung as love and longing of a woman for the man who is god, It is sung my men mostly.

Different religions same spirituality :-)

The contrast - between the spiritual and the normal. In all of our cultures where calling a man a woman is one of the worst insults,  these men willingly/openly go around calling themselves women/female. It is very touching, Bhakti movement is a very tender movement, so full of heart! 

Do you become stronger or weaker on going thru an ordeal?

The thai boys who were stuck in the flood ed cave for 15 days - One of their friends commented that He will learn from the boys how to face adversity, he said they would have become so much stronger after facing the ordeal.
This is in contrast to how the survivors of Grenfell town fire were treated in UK. Like an adversity damages a person and they need extra care and help to get back to normal. The popular psychology today takes this kind of view that we get damaged by ordeal, where as the traditional way of thinking was ordeal makes us stronger.
Which of this is true? Is what we believe true for us?
I think  there an optimum amount of ordeal untill which we become stronger and more than that damages us?  I think this optimum level depends on our upbringing and beliefs. I think thai boys will have a much higher threshold for damage because of the expectations of their society and their beliefs. Where as the western counterparts would get damaged more easily because of being treated delicately by the society and expectation by everyone that they get damaged.
The same symptoms may be treated differently by cultures. It is possible that trauma symptoms may be denied by the thai guys where as western kids would speak openly about it. Also possible that thai boys will overcome the symptoms by mental strength of their beliefs.

10 July 2018

equal pay for women

Same argument as the last post.
Is it the main problem that women are paid less than men? It definitely is one problem, But shouldnt we also have to start thinking about why a Fire Fighter/Farmer/Postman/Nurse are paid less than a CEO/Pop Star/Sports man?
I am not advocating communism or marksism but Just like we are thinking its unfair that women are paid less than men, we should start thinking why food is the cheapest commodity for us when it is the most critical for our lives? Why are the people who produce food the least important? Why are our values so screwed up? 

New Bramhin caste is already here have u noticed it?

Just heard the news that the boys stuck in the thai caves are saved after weeks of heroic effort and death of one navy seal. This is happy news and at the same time tinged with sadness. Rishi remarks - These dedicated people who risk their lives for their job are paid less. While we in cushy jobs with asses on warm chairs earn well?  :-(
This calls for bringing back this old draft blog. ( I did write this before reading Yual Nova Harare :P )

Why does a doctor get paid more than the nurse? People just dismiss this question as a stupid question!
Ha! its obvious! A doctor has a more critical job, doctor studies for long years! A doctor is more important than the nurse. Its easier to be a nurse than a doctor. More people can be a nurse than a doctor.
We as a society value scientific people more than say compassionate or caring people. You may think wtf! Offcourse scientific brain is most valuable. I am not questioning that, but it does not have to be like that. It is our conditioning speaking no?
 Its a made up scale. Forget doctors we have too much respect for them. What about software engineer vs a nurse. Why does a software engineer who is making a software for tv earn more than a nurse? Somewhere along the way we decided that - Yes! The scientific and maths oriented minds are more precious and that has set the stage.
The science minds are only middle of the grade in the new caste system.
brokers or middlemen or people who facilitate and who dont actually add any tangible real value to the baseline are valued the most.  stock brokers / bankers/ Arbitrators/CEOs . The people who do tangible work are minions and are valued the least. Is this system correct? I m questioning this.

I am also questioning how if I do the same work in UK it is more value than in India, if you ignore all stories like economics and money and pure value added by the work to earth in both cases is same.
Its not like the differences are little, the differences are in orders of magnitude different.
A nurse earns 1/4 the salary of a doctor who earns 1/100 ish the salary of a CEO. If all are in the same country. An Indian nurse earns 1/40 of a British doctor and 1/1000 of a low income CEO.
nurse salary in india 2000£ per year
nurse salary in uk 20,000£ per year
doctor salary in Uk 60,000-100,000
junior doctor is 30,000
stock broker 60,000-100,000-500,000
investment banker similar

ftse 100 ceo salary in uk 5,000,000£ 5 million I hope i have the right number of zeros.
are they adding that much value to earth or its self inflated importance and salary.

Salary is one thing, The respect I have in my mind ( yea i m guilt of favouring a scientist, but I am questioning my bias)  for science maths n logical ability which we call intelligence, Is it rightful. ( My mind is so conflicted, It is sure of superiority of logical brain n looks lowly upon illogical ones)
but is it right? isnt that as wrong as caste system, I really valued and saw what nurses did and what qualities they had. patience, compassion, connection with people( not all, some of them, but they are not paid more than others)
Is it at all possible to come out of such biases? Or are humans doomed to  just keep going from one caste system to another?

me too

Ok this is controversial. I am being devils advocate.

There are arguments that addicts are not responsible for their behaviour, They are programmed that way. Depressed people are not responsible for their suicides. Its chemical imbalance. If we agree to this, Then.. setting aside all the mental blocks and prejudices - Are sexual abusers and perverts responsible for their behaviour? Can they help it?
I dont know about serious abuse and rape, Keeping asise such serious issues. This is about groping.
 I can say that when I see a cute child or animal like my cat, I have intense desire to squeeze it. We, without any regard to what the animal or child wants usually pick up and cuddle/squeeze cute things. and nobody calls us a pervert. What if the groping instinct is something similar? What if the perpetrator is overcome by desire to grope when they see an attractive body?
and also just like my cute aggression is directly proportional to the cuteness of the cat/puppy, this instinct as well. So to an extent the sexually attractive person does instigate the behaviour. This statement is repulsive to us modern people but if we think about it objectively, Is there truth in it? Why is groping not a mental health condition and why is this case different from addiction or depression?
A transgender person said that both men and women groped him/her and thought that it was funny.

Another question is what percentage of men would grope or not grope? In the western society outwardly it is minimal, 2%? in India 20%? but would the men who dont grope behave in the same way under all circumstances? What if they were in another town and nobody was watching? If lights were off, if the girl was drunk? What about in a strip club and what if the women were prostitutes? What if they were just dolls in a sex shop? how many would grope? 70%? 90? I think the number is very high - normal population has 10% gay men and another 1% asexual out ot the remaining 90% I think 70-80% would behave badly if in a Westworld like scenario, where everything is allowed, if the women were all robots or dolls or whatever. I think whatever they say, most men know this. So This being the case, How harshly should we judge the men who actually grope us?

I am not saying men will be men, The first statement I said was let us set aside our conditioning - I cannot . I m totally repulsed and disgusted by Patthabi Jois groping women who did yoga with him. I am all for punishing very harshly men who behave disgustingly towards women. But the questions do remain.