
26 April 2012

Dream Gyan- You are taking yourself too seriously! Just Chill!

11 April 2012

Can an amputee grow a leg..

To answer my own cheeky question,
Can an amputee grow a leg by changing belief?
Why shud they?
blade runner, Double amputee. Competes with "normal" bodied athletes at Olympic level! He wanted to run in 2008 olympics but this caused debates that the prosthetic legs may infact  have an advantage over normal legs!!!
and how silly of me to ask that question after reading about Nick Vujicic. no hands no legs. SO? He is no hands no legs NO LIMITS!
We have a very very very narrow view of how things should fall into place, universe has limitless possibilities and limitless creativity.  no?
Instead of  having goals and expectations and limiting life( like trying to grow a leg :P),
we should  allow life to flow and see what magnificent things it brings us ...

and one more :-)

10 April 2012


From Wiki -This is related to mind over matter, This is one course of action to change matter with the mind.
Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refers primarily to the practice of positive[clarification needed] thinking—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything."[1] More specifically an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.[2]

rebel or conformist?

Walk the untroden path, Do something new, that no one has done before..
Lot of great people say this.. and everyone listens and seems to be inspired by the words, but very very few people actually do it??
is this really for everyone???
Turns out not! There is a definite reason for vast majority of us to be sheep who follow the trends and very few who actually try out something different, who dare do something new. Biology and the usual cultprit evolution.
I saw this on BBC.
The host was asked to rate some 50 people for beauty on 1 to 10 and as soon as he rated them, he was shown the crowd score for that face. As he did this, his brain was scaned and based on the activity in certain part of  his brain, they could determine if he is a rebel or a conformist.
If you are a conforist, as soon as u think u have done something different from the group, one part of ur brain screems Ouch! If you are a rebel, this part of the brain remain quite. This is hard wired into ur brain. The host was asked to rate the people all over again and they predicted how much of his opinion would have changed based on his brain activity. They told him so , he tried hard to be fair and not change his opinion but he ended up being part conforist unconsciosuly! :)

Why so few rebels and so any conformists? Evolution. Groups is smarter than the individual at least most individuals anyway ;-) so safer to be conformist. But if all were conformists he population would stagnate. so ESS ( allows for a small number to be rebels to explore the new horizons and take humanity forward..

Am I a rebel or conformist? I think I m like the host part rebel and part conformist. slightly more rebel than most.
BTW most of these teenage rebels are actually conformists, who are conforming to their peer group.

mind over matter

why do I still need convincing with this? :)
I mean after all these years of reading and experiences, you would think my beliefs have changed.
I would think my beliefs have changed but I feel such a strong need to convince others that mind indeed can model matter.. looks like I too still need convincing.

Law of attraction and many of the books say that whole of our reality and whole of our life is created by us, by what we think and what we believe in. If I believe life sucks, thats what I get, If I believe people are cheats I will end up meeting cheats , If I believe life is good, and I m lucky, I will indeed be presented with lot of luck. Mind over matter see?
A subset of that, Louise Hay says that every ailment in your body is related to some belief of you and you can cure anything by changing ur beliefs. It sounds like a load of crap? Or you may think for small things like headache maybe I will cure it by wishing it away but not diabetes or say Arthritis or Cancer?
Look at this.

MPD or Multiple personality disorder-
people are known to change eye colour between personalities. not just that, one personality has diabetes another does not. even scars and bee stings! I read of this in Phantoms in the brain( excellent book btw). Disorders really give us so much more insight into the working of the brain than normal( ! ) brains. It feels like there is a process control block or something in our brain , a structure which has flags, arthritis = yes; eye_color = brown, handedness = right and so on. If you have MPD u  make a copy of that and change it as per current beliefs. Its like spawning a new  process with different arguments. we have one ego or self identity process, they have many.. and the whole body just responds to these few parameters in a matter of minutes. The difference between a person with short sight and normal person is just a few bits in the brain? Unbelievable but true(if u believe it!).
So..Can an amputee grow a leg like this? ;-) frankly I donno! Is there a limit at all? There shouldnt be, I mean no need to get into paranormal -just look at animal kingdom If a lizard can grow back a tail...? if a female fish can turn into male...? BTW did u know that Turkeys can give birth by Virgin birth? Female turkeys (obviously ) give birth to male Turkeys, Asexually.

If u are psycho(or an animal :P) u do all this without ur knowledge, but if u become  an expert brain hacker like Neo from Matrix , can we do this ourselves? :-)?  Yes!!!  I believe life is THIS interesting ! :) Its a matter of time and figuring out how.