
10 April 2012

rebel or conformist?

Walk the untroden path, Do something new, that no one has done before..
Lot of great people say this.. and everyone listens and seems to be inspired by the words, but very very few people actually do it??
is this really for everyone???
Turns out not! There is a definite reason for vast majority of us to be sheep who follow the trends and very few who actually try out something different, who dare do something new. Biology and the usual cultprit evolution.
I saw this on BBC.
The host was asked to rate some 50 people for beauty on 1 to 10 and as soon as he rated them, he was shown the crowd score for that face. As he did this, his brain was scaned and based on the activity in certain part of  his brain, they could determine if he is a rebel or a conformist.
If you are a conforist, as soon as u think u have done something different from the group, one part of ur brain screems Ouch! If you are a rebel, this part of the brain remain quite. This is hard wired into ur brain. The host was asked to rate the people all over again and they predicted how much of his opinion would have changed based on his brain activity. They told him so , he tried hard to be fair and not change his opinion but he ended up being part conforist unconsciosuly! :)

Why so few rebels and so any conformists? Evolution. Groups is smarter than the individual at least most individuals anyway ;-) so safer to be conformist. But if all were conformists he population would stagnate. so ESS ( allows for a small number to be rebels to explore the new horizons and take humanity forward..

Am I a rebel or conformist? I think I m like the host part rebel and part conformist. slightly more rebel than most.
BTW most of these teenage rebels are actually conformists, who are conforming to their peer group.

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