
22 May 2018

Attitude towards tax

 What is your attitude towards tax?
From when I am young all around me the attitude was that we shud pay tax as an obligation, we try to save as much tax as possible. Mind you my parents were honest people who paid their taxes, still tax was something to be avoided.
Not just the people but the government also made out tax as something to be avoided if possible. Giving us tax breaks, tax incentives not just to people but to companies to increase profit etc.

Now that I am an adult and I am thinking, It hit me. Tax is my good karma. Tax is an ultimate act of altruism. It is my contribution to common good. It is my charity. I am paying for other peoples children's education, old peoples' poor peoples' medicine, for roads, pavements, social housing, for electricity and gas, for basic infrastructure,for conservation of forests. 40% of my monthly salary, I am spending for doing good to others. It is a great social act and a charity. Wow! I and most others who pay tax, why didnt someone, anyone else present this perspective of tax to me? Most people I have tried to tell this to, looked at me like I was nuts, or they laughed thinking I was making a joke. but no - this is true.

Why are we all finding ways to save tax? Why is the government treating it as if it were looting me? Why do I resent the tax, instead of feeling this peace and joy when tax gets deducted every month? All the good that is happening because of my tax, why am I not thinking of all the people who will be benefited by me and feeling good?

May be in corrupt countries you may be entitled to feel bad about your tax, that someone is cheating you. but in developed countries where we are actually seeing our tax being used, we shud give with joy. We should appreciate the government which is forcing us to get over our selfish human nature and contribute to common good. Companies also should give happily, Why do to tax haven, why think about your bottom line only? Think about your duty as well, for others, for mother earth.We should all give because frankly we have enough. more than enough.

My tax - I have enough and the rest I give with joy for greater good. Blessings to people who are benefited by this, that includes me as well.