
29 April 2016

self serving bias and some toilet gyan(!)

Does self serving bias helps us feel good about ourself. we give excuses for our failings. and those that have low self esteem and are depressed have accurate evaluation of how good they are?

If we place our self worth on our looks, our money, our education , our job or our relationship this is what happens. Some spiritual books say we are worthy just as we are even if we strip out all these values.
This made me see Satya Harishchandra's story in a  new light. He was a king, he lost his power, his family, his money his job and looks... Still he was him, The righteous man. is this what that story trying to tell us? It is not about being truthful, Its about maintaining integrity?

( and now ..How is this related to self serving bias? :-S )

People say if you stop feeling bad about loss of something then the world will end up in chaos - but will it?
That's probably because our tasks of today are motivated more by things going bad rather than things feeling good. If I don't work I will starve, if I don't clean the toilet it will smell. doing something to feel good is kind of looked at as a sin, But isn't that just a matter of perspective.
If I don't clean the toilet it will stink = Clean good smelling toilet makes me feel good. If I am striving to make a good toilet, I will exert more effort to make it good than if I am motivated to avoid stink, I will be happy making the toilet nice and every time I pass by I feel good too.
Its just a matter of perspective, If I don't clean my toilet my friends will come and judge me, will give the same task a sense of anxiety and nervousness, I will not enjoy my work until I get a stamp of approval from my friends. so its not the task at all but the attitude that matters.

Another rant about US

Okay! I am going to be judgemental today. What the heck! a girl can have a bitchy day! ok!??

America is like the shallowest country in the world or something.
I got a forward today, funny one!
 Our(India) PM is single, Opposition leader is single, lady CMs form North - Mehbooba, South Jaya, East Mamta di and  West Anandi ben - all single :D Bachelors Zindabad. :-)

Got me thinking, US president cant be single can he?
He has to have a wife and kids to be in the white house! Single President :-O no no!
Putin is single as of today, In fact is he not tall he is 5 7
you cant be an American president if you are shorter than 6 ft.
All the psychology books go on and go about this concept, tall is good for leaders! Only true of America, because Americans are bloody shallow! This does not apply to other countries.

Does not apply to India, we have had decidedly Ugly PMS Narasimha Rao and Deve Gowda :D I am not being mean, India is not looks oriented! look! Can they be President of US? No way!!
Handsome, tall with a perfect looking family and pretending to be Christian. (American President has to be Christian, India  is a very religious country but India has had Atheist PM(Nehru), Low caste, High caste, Sikh PMs.)
That's how they roll and they are supposed to be the most developed country on earth! Huh! 

growth (rant)

Seriously are you nuts? Are you really scientific and logical and clever person?

How is growth a sustainable model (Except may be for the galaxy :p Then again it is expanding and not growing ) 
Chinas economy has - hold you breath - slowed in the growth rate, It has not slowed,  growth has slowed down. and it is worrying.
Same with companies, one more insanity in our present culture.  growth growth growth, everybody talks about growth
Just look at your self, what would have happened to you if you kept growing , not just growing but with increasing pace every year, year after year.
Look around you trees animals plants, they grow and they stop and they die, Its called cycled on life.
Only thing that grows grows and grows and kills its host and itself in Virus ( to quote MATRIX) 
You morons, why are you targeting growth and growth and growth.
Chinas economy is growing growing growing .. China is dead collapsed, long live China.
Earth population is growing growing growing, Earth has collapsed, long live earth.