
29 April 2016

self serving bias and some toilet gyan(!)

Does self serving bias helps us feel good about ourself. we give excuses for our failings. and those that have low self esteem and are depressed have accurate evaluation of how good they are?

If we place our self worth on our looks, our money, our education , our job or our relationship this is what happens. Some spiritual books say we are worthy just as we are even if we strip out all these values.
This made me see Satya Harishchandra's story in a  new light. He was a king, he lost his power, his family, his money his job and looks... Still he was him, The righteous man. is this what that story trying to tell us? It is not about being truthful, Its about maintaining integrity?

( and now ..How is this related to self serving bias? :-S )

People say if you stop feeling bad about loss of something then the world will end up in chaos - but will it?
That's probably because our tasks of today are motivated more by things going bad rather than things feeling good. If I don't work I will starve, if I don't clean the toilet it will smell. doing something to feel good is kind of looked at as a sin, But isn't that just a matter of perspective.
If I don't clean the toilet it will stink = Clean good smelling toilet makes me feel good. If I am striving to make a good toilet, I will exert more effort to make it good than if I am motivated to avoid stink, I will be happy making the toilet nice and every time I pass by I feel good too.
Its just a matter of perspective, If I don't clean my toilet my friends will come and judge me, will give the same task a sense of anxiety and nervousness, I will not enjoy my work until I get a stamp of approval from my friends. so its not the task at all but the attitude that matters.

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