
17 August 2022

spider web 2.0

The spider web in which we are caught is not just opinion of others ( or the fucks that we give in other words)
The web is also made of our attachments, It is actually mainly made out of our attachments - we are attached to people, to things, to places, to good feelings, good sensations.  The root of all these attachments is actually attachment to feeling good. Thats it, and fear of feeling bad. Thats it. It is that simple. We are very fearful of feeling bad and attachment to feeling good is actually being very fearful of loosing the feeling good.  So the root of all attachment is actually fear.
Sufi say it very nicely - Have faith in God and Have patience and Let go of the fear. Every experience is welcome. Good and Bad is just the way we see it, Its all ok.

16 August 2022

now a days the answer to the question - Should you this? or should you that? is coming up as - Whatever you want! :-) 
should you follow one spiritual practice to perfection or should you try to develop yourself with multiple aspects? Whatever you want! 🤷🤷

Mists of Avalon

Should you read a very good book written by a very bad person?
Cancel culture tells me to drop that book like a hot potato and erase the existence of that person. Run from that book.
But I m going to read :-) Because there are no rules, you do you.
 If you think you should not read anything written by bad people then you should not.
I thought about it and I do want to read. 
I think I can pick and choose - I think bad people may have something to say which is worth while listening.
Same goes with spiritual gurus. May be they are not perfect, may be they have scandals and are totally and unequivocally proven to be shit person - but at the same time their techniques and their words may be exceptionally powerful and valuable.
Asaram Babu. yes him! I know a girl who has experienced his spiritual power and thankfully not abuse! Take ashtanga yoga guru for example, you cannot deny that ashtanga benefits millions of people but guru was ... 
just like how u can be shit person but great scientist , shit person and great world leader.. In case of world leader - I dont want them to lead anymore I support canceling them. ( why this double standards?! Who knows) 
But scientist ? If it turns out the lady who made covid vaccine is a serial killer or a pedophile, should we stop taking the vaccine? Then if she were an author - should we stop reading her book? :-) 
I concluded no. I postponed reading this book for so long. but now I have concluded no, I should not stop reading her book. 
and what an amazing book, I have only listened to a chapter or two. But what writing. mesmerising words . beautiful words. I had read reviews and expected it to be a good book I didnt expect to like it so much. I thought I was the kind of person who didnt notice the quality of the writing - As long as story is good I like the book! No! thats a big lie! :-)  I love good writing and I cannot lie. 
I m such a snob I couldnt continue with a lot of books because the writing was banal, I m reading 40 rules of love or something - which I am really enjoying for its unique story line about Sufis but Hope listening to Mists of Avalon may spoil it for me. So lyrical!  40 rules reads like a ... the writing is.. lets say basic! :-)

Anyway coming back to Mists of Avalon, There is a controversy about the author, very bad one at that. and proven to be true. She is a very bad person, very horrible person in fact :-( I dont know how she could write such beautiful stuff and be so bad.. But she proves it is possible. Bad does not stop u from being talented from being useful to society. The world is not divided into black and white like a Zebra, more like a rat - all grey :-) 

ps: 2023 update. Crap book ! ha ha! only the first chapter was good. After that it dragged on and on . Not one good likeable character, They were so pathetic and bad, I was wishing bad things happen to them and bad things did happen to them! ha ha! It kind of became a comedy in my head and I decided I should stop this and just read the summary. It is branded as woman's perspective of King Arthur. If this is womans perspective then I will happily be "Not like other girls". ha ha!!   King Arthur and Merlin story is such a thrilling and adventurous one . This lady has picked up the saddest and most pathetic parts of his life and focused on it, left out all the good/magical parts.  It took me a couple of days to wash my brain of her crap, depressive sh*t. Ok ok I did hate that book. Sorry for the rant. 

9 August 2022

Well-being looks different from Weight loss.

I am doing good :-) 
This is rare for people and especially or me to admit unabashedly but here I am.
I need to say this to myself, I need to ascertain to myself that it's a good thing to not measure weight, because - Fucking hell!!  The pressure to fall into weight loss trap is IMMENSE! 

I have not missed yoga for last 2 and half months except for a day or 2 in the beginning. Weekly 7 days, thru vacations and weekends. And I have probably not lost any weight.  If I were measuring weight, I would have stopped after 4 weeks and moved on to Keto and strength training or running or given up frustrated complaining to my friends - "What ya! I never lose weight Whatever I do!! " and gone back to being Yo Yo.  

Yoga is for the mental well being, for the spiritual benefits  and also the physical well being - Not weight loss but physical well being, balance of hormones may be, improved flexibility so less aches and pains may be, better immune system may be, increased lung capacity and slower heart rate may be.  See - How we reduce all this to one parameter - weight loss. Isn't it sad? Haven't we gone mad to focus on one thing instead of the wholesome benefits some other changes may bring to us?
Also it fun! I can now do a head stand! I can take water from my mouth and bring it out of the nose - voluntarily. 

I fasted for 9 days aiming for 10. This would not be possible if I was measuring weight. Why not u ask?  Because the benefits of yoga and fasting are immense. better immunity, Appetite control, Mental strength, Spiritual cleansing, Physical cleansing .  I will not use it as a short cut or magic pill for weight loss. Then u reduce everything to one number on the scale. 

Along with this I have to do regular dancing and retreats for mental well being, for self acceptance. To free the mind of influences which are not in the direction which I want to go in. 

I m 100% sure weight stabilisation will come. I will be at a weight which is perfect for me, which may not be a loss or it may not be the instagram fashionista approved weight. But it will feel right and healthy. If we do the right things, why wont it happen? 

There may be overlaps, you may do similar things, but Well-being looks very different from Weight loss.