
19 June 2023

What u say - tells more about u.

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I have heard/read this many times. What you sat about others tells more about you than about them.  In day to day conversations I dont notice this that much. I take what other people say at face value. But when I m reading comments on the internet. Boy oh boy! This becomes so apparent!!
You can tell which country, the background of the person, probably their age and definitely their thinking when they voice their opinion. What they say about the subject is almost irrelevant. They are giving an open insight into their own mental programming.

For example any discussion on abortions on reddit. What does a comment like "You will go to hell for this" tell you? nothing about abortions or about the person who it is aimed at but I can fairly be sure the commenter votes Republican and is religious. 

In fact - I just realised this - this is the main basis of Louise Hay self healing. If any person irritates you - she says examine your beliefs and your self. They trait that u hate in other person is probably a trait you exhibit! ( This is shocking and disturbing no?) Or it is your core belief about the world - If you keep meeting cheats then you probably believe men are cheats Or you have very strong fear of being cheated or taken advantage of - shows lack of trust in our ability to detect and handle such people.  So what she is saying is - Your life itself is an inner reflection on you. 
It does not mean that it is a judgement on us if our life is not going well, We need to observe and We need to change what we dont like. Thats it! 

This applies so much to my life - It was not about circumstances at all, it was all about attitude with which I approach the circumstances. Always its not them it is us. 

16 June 2023

Thank you instead of sorry.

Oh I did so many interesting things I wonder why I didnt blog!!  Anyway, this is about one interesting thing I did today.  not very radical or different or anything like that.

Someone offered help and I accepted it :-) Is it such a big deal? 
When people offer small acts of kindness to me, I usually feel like I m being a burden or I feel like they were obligated, or what ever we have been taught not to be a trouble to anyone. So I say no.
I was short of 20p someone in the queue offered, I said no. When I was coughing someone gave me water , I said no. Today I was at sandwich shop, they ran out of Brown bread, The kind lady before me offered her brown bread to me - I said yes! Thank you so much. It felt good. Believe me it felt much better than refusing all those helps I have refused before. 
It was nice that someone did a kind thing for me, It felt very good and very nice. I felt very emotional about it. I felt genuinely connected at that moment. 
Who knew?!

Someone once sent me a forward - Dont say Sorry, Say Thank you. If you made someone wait , instead of saying sorry I m late, Say Thank you for waiting for me. Simple thing like that turns a negative into positive. It changes how you feel as well - It replaces guilt with gratitude. so much more positive.