
17 October 2019

Quote from Tibetan book of living and dying

Rest in natural great peace
This exhausted mind
Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thought
Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves
In the infinite ocean of samsara

4 October 2019


This is annoying me. Why is old a bad word?
Why is it so common to think that old is bad and young is good?
It is more annoying because of the attitude of westerners to old, Its almost like a swear word or a cuss word and causes great deal of offence!
I have respect for old/older people. Where as young people below 25 are arrogant, clueless and mostly stupid. I like myself better as I get older!  40 year old me is so much more awesome than the 25 year old me.  I would never trade being 40 for being 25. Am I missing something?
Thinking that 25 is awesome because of having a sexier/stronger body or whatever is so superficial.

Has this always been like this? In the hierarchical world, may be 50 years ago when age automatically meant respect and lot more powers than younger was age still a bad word? Did people want to be older then? I would imagine so.
I also feel this kind of ageism is( was ) not so common in India, probably because of the hierarchy thing. Where as in the west the emphasis on outward looks/beauty/appearance is  immense (may be due to the rise of advertising and capitalism in 1800s)
Or Is it same like beauty/sexy thing which others feel but I am missing being wired differently? Is it that, in-spite of all that respect for elders etc  Indians also would love to be 25 ?

Also One thing I am ignoring is old is getting closer to death and decay, it also implies gradual degradation. Fear of death is apparently one of the biggest fears.
I am also afraid of growing old. Its a time of great change and I am afraid of how I cope. I (  I realise I am some how very optimistic and believe that I will live a long life, ha ha! ;)  find myself thinking about preparing for old age, not just with pension and money, but things like I need to be more in control of emotions in adversity and pain, I need to have self respect and identity even when I am retired and not having a job, I need to have spirituality to occupy me in old age, I need equanimity to deal with the world which will be probably moving ahead of me etc etc. yes mostly preparing my mind because if mind if strong we can deal with anything and yes body as well but that is not in our control that much. 

Experience discomfort, instead of avoiding. Learn to actually feel it and be with it.
This is discipline
This is mindfulness
This is resilience

Effort goals

Should we make our goals By saying what I will do rather than what I will achieve? based on effort instead of the result? Because frankly efforts are in our hands and result is - Insha Alla, if god willing. i.e it depends on lot of other factors outside our control.

Instead of saying I will lose 10 kg, say I will workout 5 hours a week and eat healthy. The end .
Not  I will workout 5 hours a week and eat healthy so that I lose 10 kg?

Do women drive badly?

Lady Driver ! - I want to put that as my bumper sticker :-) As a warning! :-O  like the baby on board stickers :-) I think its very funny. I know its sarcastic but I dont know if its a take on  sexists or feminists or both :D

Anyway coming to the question - Do women drive badly ? Is it true? 

I decided to not go by stereotype like people who blindly believe that women drive badly and also to not be affected by liberal blindness and feminist rage :D. People like me so firmly believe in equality that we dont see reality staring us in the face.

I decided to notice other people, take note of the drivers who annoy me who drive badly etc.  I love finding patterns, and I am good at it.

Are all women bad drivers? definitely not.  I drive daily, I drive well for the record. ok but  are all bad drivers women? Definitely not ....but..

Firstly, Genuinely bad and dangerous drivers who are a threat to people on the streets, those to jump lanes, drive too fast, cut you off , weave in traffic etc. Mostly were men. Almost 99% men,  white vans and buses( this sometimes driven by women) , professional drivers who drive every day and a lot, who are exhausted frustrated and couldn't care less. ( but not Uber drivers ) And also young men under 25. I will be politically incorrect and say many of these were Black and Asian men, trying to be cool with beard/jewellery etc. ( This may be due to the area I drive in or whatever )
So the Stereotype is completely false? No actually.
There is another type of bad driver, the annoying driver. They are not exactly a threat on the street, but they raise your BP, They irritate the fuck out of you and make u swear more than the first group because you are too stunned to swear at a real bad driver :D They driver slowly, really slowly, They break suddenly, they stop at the orange light, they turn without indicator or give wrong indicator, they look like they are going to turn but wont.  What is the profile of these? Old people, both  men and women. Very old like all white hair types usually.  and women.  Political incorrectness time again, They were either mums doing school run or  Muslim women in hijab. 
So! Do women drive badly? No!
Do muslim women in Hijab drive badly then? No!
Clearly the main reason for this kind of driving is lack of confidence.  These people are not driving daily, even if they are may be not having equal standing in society affects our confidence and ability to drive?
Did women driver badly in 70s? probably, They had more unequal standing in the society and hence probably lacked confidence.
In my view, Its not lack of spatial awareness or direction sense, its confidence that made women drive badly at the time.
My conclusion is all generalizations have a grain of  truth in it, but it is superficial truth. Instead of just going by numbers and statistics and coming to stupid conclusions, people should delve deeper and look at the root cause or real reason for issues in the spirit of true scientific enquiry.

Not Shy about being Shy,

 I am free to be shy, I dont have to feel bad about not talking, not saying that hi, not asking that question. I am free to stay in that corner , quite and not interacting. Yeah! not Shy about being shy.