
31 January 2014


Kindly old man was there. He was very kind. It was a winter, the birds in his garden didnt have any food. he fed the brids all thru the winter. Then next year  was a very harsh winter. he fed this birds thru very harsh winter. All the birds very making it now. The weak runts, the slow growers...everyone had a chance now, in this lovely new world. Next winter was harsher but old man -kindly old man helped the birds again.
Then after a few years he died and in the next harsh winter all the birds were wiped out, there were too many there was no food for all of them and they were too weak - nature hadn't made her selection , the runts and slow growers who we humans are so fond of... had diluted the gene pool. so they all went extinct :-D


Natural organic tea - Pretty cardboard box, wrapped in shiny plastic , inside another plastic air tight bag to keep the freshness, then each tea bag packaged in another easy to tear plastic sachet to keep in individual goodness - Oh! but dont worry I recycled all of it!
I recycle bags and bags every week. even bananas and eggs are packaged and wrapped. so I can recycle a lot. I m doing so much good for this world!

27 January 2014

moral humility

moral humility! I love that concept. It may help find answers to many questions.

These days I am (intellectually at least) against convincing other people to my point of view.  how can I be so sure I m right and they are wrong?

Church and evangelist did just that, they were very sure they were right and converted half the world into Christianity. they were thinking they did absolutely right.. it is very doubtful if the effect of that is good.

When I m trying to convince someone that they should diet/become a vegetarian or start re-cycling or save the world and not make their children sissy what if I am being an evangelist.
what if they are killing girls! can I still practice moral humility? What would Dalailama or Buddha do in this case? think win win..
don't think for and against. They don't "want" to kill girls.  punish them, stop them is not gonna work. we need to find a win win. There may be some people who want to kill most do it because .. . ( Grr I m getting angry with them. I want to kick them. I m not good at this understanding thing. )

but may be we will find better solutions to problems when we start thinking win-win. EVERY problem has to have a win win solution, nature vv/s man.  dolphins vs whalers etc.
Its just a ray of hope or a glimmer I see, there is no right and wrong, there is no sides. we are all on one side.
what if we were killer whales? what if our sense of self extended beyond ourselves. would we fight our right hand with our left hand? unless it is a very very dire situation most times we should find a solution which saves both hands, not a compromise with losing a little bit of both hands! but a win win situation, may be we will be smart enough to find that.

13 January 2014

I miss the river side...

Undrafting an old post. Looks like I wrote it after an afternoon by my favourite lunching spot by the river. but so weird - I start the blog with  "hehe all empathy and spirituality have gone to dogs n replaced by irritation but I m calling it kickass attitude :P :P yeah few posts coming that way" and .... What is kickass/irritated about the blog below?  have split personality?!! ]

I saw this funny bird by the river, he looked like a kid with a bad haircut :D  like a straight haired boy with two vortices on the head :D no one can give them a good hair cut :D LOL!

 Funnier this guy thought he was a duck n was hanging out with some ducks, swimming with them acting like them :D He looks nothing like them. Creepy thing :D They all looked like good kids with oiled hair and this one with bomb blast hair. What do you think we looked like if we din have mirrors? :D

I found its Great Crested Grebe-Male.

photograph by: JJ Harrison (

saving lives at all costs

[This may not be politically/morally correct, But What the heck ]
Sudden thought I need to stop my donations to RSPCA.
They send me pamphlets about what work they do,
They spent 10,000£ to rehabilitate a mangy dog with half of its mouth torn off.  They rescue a neurotic cat which cant go out, cat with hole in the heart, dog with attitude problems ready to attack any one. They do psychotherapy for these animals and try to fix them and send them to people to adopt.
I wonder what would be the quality of the life of people who adopt these problem pets? Its not the pets fault that it got so sick, its old owners were horrible horrible people.. but still.. is it justified? my money being spent on almost a hopeless case? ( yeah yeah you may think I m a heartless bitch, like I care :-P)

I tried to keep this indoor plant alive for 6 months, insect sprays, re-potting, fertilizers, change window etc ets. It was alive but sickly for such a long time. I wonder was it really kind of me to keep it alive like that? Shouldnt I have just thrown it in the bin as soon as I realised it has root rot?

Now I realise, if a fish is sick, flush it, if a indoor plant is sickly and dying, bin it. If a pet is really sick - like it has diabetes or heart disease? :( enthuse it?? not sure. don't buy breeds which are introducing such problems into dogs, they were eliminated by natural selection in street dogs!
That is the hard reality of life.
We are working against evolution when we try to keep unsuitable specimens alive, . Most plants and animals are designed to be alive only in top most condition, once they suffer damage, they give up and die quickly.  ever tried to save squirrels and baby birds?
Also  It is a huge huge drain on our emotions ( more than money, its the emotions)  It may be a tiny little fish, but seeing it die little by little every day or the plant not reviving at all is really downing.

And what about little ones? I love tulasi plant (holy basil), One summer I had about 500 saplings of basil :-) Should I save them? can I save them? because it is a plant answer is easy - make kashaya and drink. What about baby rabbits or puppies or kittens? Every species produces in excess to compensate for infant mortality, Save them all?

When we put in lot of effort into keeping these things alive, is it kindness or is it pity? or is it some kind of guilt and obligation? which are all wrong reasons.

and What about people?

 Is it really kind to try to save lives at all costs? In this day and age I wonder ... we can keep things and people "alive", even those who are in a really bad way.  The blue baby, accident victim  in coma.... and we are morally obliged to do this in this day.

But it does raise a question, should we change our morality?

2 January 2014

Dolphis are intelligent

"Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, They like to keep themselves occupied all the time. Most of their time is spend in having fun!" the documentary tells me! Grrrr!!!!

We ... are also suppose to be highly ...

Edit: When I was searching for killer whales brains - apparently they have parts to their brain which we dont have, some suspect they are more advanced than humans emotions wise ( Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy? :) ) I found this.( Captian Watson has something to do with  anti whaling and Georg is a Whaler I think)

Captain Watson: "Georg, I happen to measure intelligence by the ability to live in harmony with the natural world. By this criteria, whales are far more intelligent than we are."

Georg: "That is a stupid criteria. By that stupid criteria, you could say cockroaches are smarter than people."

Captain Watson: "Georg, you are beginning to understand what I'm talking about.

dividing or uniting?

opposite of religious is not atheist, because religion divides, atheism also divides.
opposite of  vegetarian is what? caught you! looking for opposite itself is diving! ;-)
Its a way of thinking we need to change,
Start looking for uniting factors not dividing ones.
Start rejecting diving thoughts/ideas/arguments. Is this a dividing thought? that, is enough to make us feel so much better day to day.

There is no win-lose. there is only win-win, there is no win if someone loses we are all connected.