
10 July 2018

me too

Ok this is controversial. I am being devils advocate.

There are arguments that addicts are not responsible for their behaviour, They are programmed that way. Depressed people are not responsible for their suicides. Its chemical imbalance. If we agree to this, Then.. setting aside all the mental blocks and prejudices - Are sexual abusers and perverts responsible for their behaviour? Can they help it?
I dont know about serious abuse and rape, Keeping asise such serious issues. This is about groping.
 I can say that when I see a cute child or animal like my cat, I have intense desire to squeeze it. We, without any regard to what the animal or child wants usually pick up and cuddle/squeeze cute things. and nobody calls us a pervert. What if the groping instinct is something similar? What if the perpetrator is overcome by desire to grope when they see an attractive body?
and also just like my cute aggression is directly proportional to the cuteness of the cat/puppy, this instinct as well. So to an extent the sexually attractive person does instigate the behaviour. This statement is repulsive to us modern people but if we think about it objectively, Is there truth in it? Why is groping not a mental health condition and why is this case different from addiction or depression?
A transgender person said that both men and women groped him/her and thought that it was funny.

Another question is what percentage of men would grope or not grope? In the western society outwardly it is minimal, 2%? in India 20%? but would the men who dont grope behave in the same way under all circumstances? What if they were in another town and nobody was watching? If lights were off, if the girl was drunk? What about in a strip club and what if the women were prostitutes? What if they were just dolls in a sex shop? how many would grope? 70%? 90? I think the number is very high - normal population has 10% gay men and another 1% asexual out ot the remaining 90% I think 70-80% would behave badly if in a Westworld like scenario, where everything is allowed, if the women were all robots or dolls or whatever. I think whatever they say, most men know this. So This being the case, How harshly should we judge the men who actually grope us?

I am not saying men will be men, The first statement I said was let us set aside our conditioning - I cannot . I m totally repulsed and disgusted by Patthabi Jois groping women who did yoga with him. I am all for punishing very harshly men who behave disgustingly towards women. But the questions do remain.

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