Picking up someone from the bar is considered cool or what ever, but prostitiution is considered horrid. I wonder why. few years back I would be totally disgusted with anyone who had been to a prostitute. what about a prostitute itself? I am not sure how I would react to one then( definitely more kindly to her than to the visitors:). now there is this lady who is one of british MPs wife who is a highclass prostitute. and I felt what is the big deal in it. Its legal here, no? I feel I understand the world better now. all this is so common, so many men visit pros, humans are played by emotions and desires and lot less my logic and rules( so my friend what is the use of being good at logic, when most humanity is ruled by feeling). its not as inhuman or bad as it is made out to be now. is it?(societys ploy to keep dirty underbelly in wraps so that only few who dare will only get there)(and we are bought up too sheilded) I was really shocked and angry with hillary clinton that she didnt break her marriage during monica episode and then I felt she is really business minded to be sticking on when such a thing happened because her husband is a president. now my prespective has changed. I wonder if the public outcry (and hillarys reaction) would be lot more -ve if it was a prostitute instead of an intern? but I ..wud think of it as a better situation.. would the logic be perverse if I thought that hooking up with a prostitute is somehow better than one night stands or picking up people.. which are probably based on implicit and explicit lies? atleast u are being honest here and its a direct transaction give and take is upfront. If not for forced prostittion - trafficking, using children and the pathetic state of prostitues in the soceity.
Is it really a myth that in the olden days of kings -prostitution was a very lucrative career option( probbly not optional it was based on caste may be) with lot of money and high social status with even possibility to affect politics? I can very easily picture a society like that.
Is it really a myth that in the olden days of kings -prostitution was a very lucrative career option( probbly not optional it was based on caste may be) with lot of money and high social status with even possibility to affect politics? I can very easily picture a society like that.