restrictions against being happy
I need my space to meditate
I need my solitude to be happy
I m not meditating because there is no proper space, no proper time, no proper environment
I m irritated becuase I m not able to meditation,
Interruption is bad for meditiaotn , it goes bad, my meditation is spoilt, my day is spoilt.
how easily ego puts up blame on others, makes something outside ourself responsible for our happiness and makes us miserable.
The main problem my dream tells me is the restriction I have put on myself that meditation is gone bad if someone interrupts in between, Its a pattern and wrong way of seeing things.
we have thosands of unnecessary rules and restrictions by which we decide that its a gloomy day, my day is spoilt, my life is spoilt, etc etc
classic example in all spritual books, is a cloudy day- every cloudy day people go Oh no its a sad gloomy day and when we see sun we are ye!! and happy. cloudy day is just that cloudy, it s not SAD!
our lables!! and our patterns! we r slaves to that.
I hate to be disturbed when I m eating, if someone interrupts me i will stop eating.
I hate it if someone picks food from my plate.
I have to have some hours of solitude in my life otherwise I m not happy.
Shooting game noise makes me go mad!
Mushroom smell! I cant stand it.
If I wear a sareee I will instantaneously combust and die !
who is at loss? me!( I mean these are all not mine, some are mine, some are others)
when someone talks of crap when eating, manassu kettu hoytu , mansassu kedisiddi antivi. but we are just kicking in an age old pattern.
I cant work under deadlines, I dont perform well if someone is looking over my shoulder, I m not free, other people restrict me.. all these are restrictions I have put on myself. Like they say, nobody gets into my head and stops me. Its my patterns kick in, yes! it is unconscious, yes! undue critisism affects me unconsciously and it may seem like other prople are responsible for my saddness and happniess but the fact is, Its all in my head, it may be my own created pattern, or copied from parents or inherited as a species( flight or fight, territorial behaviour, groupism)
we are all pavlov's dogs, we actually sometimes use this in our favour. I mean not sometimes, all the time. thats what makes our life work smoothly but more like a machine.
bell = saliva
traditional = anger!
conditioning. I am alseep, like demello says wake up! and see.
Darren brown magic show, shows us how mechanical and machine like we are! u can make people do things by putting in appropriate hints - becuase we are all asleep, enlightenment is waking up!
I am responsible for not meditating, I am responsible for labeling and restricting myself to thinking I cannt meditate if i dont hve a proper place, I restrict myself to be unhappy if I dont have my space, I m responsile for finding a solution to this problem. The solution is not in making space, the solution is fixing the pattern in the head.
we always CAN. yes we CAN!