[ Actually written at different times, but this is a sort of repetition of the left brain blog.
May be the thoughts keep brewing and repeating themselves unless I actually publish them. I guess thats the point of this blog in the first place, to make space for new thoughts. May be that involves reading old blogs.. which I actually do. I m the biggest fan of my own blog ;-) ]
There is no gain without pain
success is 1 % inspiration 99% perspiration
and such...
Hardwork, dedication, sacrifice, struggle, fight - key words to success for ordinary men.
Is it so?
Or is this the myth of the day?
Is this the monster which is eating us all up today?
It is as if we are lazy by nature and we need to really use our will power and push ourselves, drive ourselves, force ourselves towards being useful or successful.
Is that really so?
can we for just a minute stop and consider.. may be if we need to do so much pushing and shoving, what we want to achieve is not the right thing at all. May be we need all this force and violence to make ourselves do things only because we dont want to do it in the first place?
may be need to trust ourselves when we dont want to do something, there may be a reason for that?
There may be something better , a better way to do which is not violent on ourselves...?
on others and on nature?
We are always involved in taming and conquering and controlling and making things bend to our will, nature, others and finally ourselves. dominant, aggressive,
Is that really the way? may be we are doing it all the other way? all wrong? instead of moulding ourselves to what is, we are trying to mould everything to fit us.. and it keeps ripping here and there...everywhere
Is there Trauma in making ourselves do things? in pushing ? in using and abusing will?
if we use will to again hide this trauma? Will we finally break?
But sometimes strong will is needed. Margret Thacher died recently, such divided opinions of her.. She closed all mines... 1000s were jobless, 100s of towns useless but it had to be done. They were a major drain on the country. Someone had to do it. She did it with her enormous will power... She was successful. Yes success today is exactly like that...This is the way we know. It involved lot of Trauma.
When she died, people celebrated, protested in her funeral, said horrible things even tho its a taboo to say bad things about dead people...things from 30 years ago, Trauma stays...
But IT HAD TO BE DONE!!!!!!!!
So then, I wonder if there was a better gentler way?
I give my due to hardwork and perspiration and will power.. not doing at all and shying away is not the way at all... just considering is there an alternate way..? There must be?
May be all this Trauma I talk about, is not involved in what we are doing but is self created and totally unnecessary? ( Anthony DeMello, JK type argument)
Sometimes may be the only difference between ploughing thru some work and cruising thru is just letting go of control, about letting go of how exactly perfectly we want to do and letting go of judgement that we are not doing well enough and resistance - letting go of feelings like 'this work is shit' and letting go og measurement of how well we are doing, better than others, faster than last time etc... if we drop all that and just do ( Bhagavad Geeta - Karm kar....) There will be absolutely no trauma.
It can be done by getting into the Zone. by shutting up the ego or left brain. Its happened to me occasionally but I m not able to voluntarily replicate the results in other tasks.. Cooking used to be such an effort... but sometimes it just happens I go into kitchen and then bam its done ! :)
But would Margret have found a more loving solution if she were in the Zone? Who is to say?