
24 April 2017


It is not co-incidence that the same word samskara is used for traditions, not just traditions but the value system itself thst is passed on from generation to generations, that which makes a person who they are and for repeated pre-programmed mental patterns. Even by definition we can see that they are the same thing. 
What I find funny is the contrast in how they are treated in these two different contexts.
Householders and families value samskara beyond everything, how a person is brought up holds at most importance, parentage and ansestory. Our children will preserve and carry forward our tradition. On the otherhand for a seeker, samskars are something to be rid, It is of atmost importance to be free of samskaras, its lifes mission almost :-) 
Context is everything. For an average person, sanskaras ensure moral behaviour, it needs awareness to be aware of our own programming and drivers, i.e the samskaras. When we graduate from being mere users of the software to architects and developers of our programs then we can be rid of samskaras. most spritual paths start with instilling positive samskaras, a few go beyond that.
Enlightenment is when we rid ourselves of even the last samskara.

10 April 2017

Change your narrative

Yes! This is what The Secret and NLP are all talking about.  If our memories are just narratives- No "if" there!! Our memories are just narratives. Our beliefs and thoughts are also just narratives. Its a good thought experiment to try when we are being hit by negative thoughts,  to see if we can change into an opposite narrative. (Ultimately philosophy says there are no negative thoughts- positive thoughts, They are all just Maya. That is true, but to realise that truth, the thought machine aka our monkey mind shud stop, and for that positive state of mind is more conductive.  )
With the vast memory bank that we have, we can pick and choose any narrative we want about ourselves, It will feel true - I am lazy or I am hardworking. I am liked by no one to I am loved by people, I am smart to I am so Dumb, I am ugly or I am beautiful.
When there is no narrative we are cheerful and buzzing, Monkey mind can however swing in a second, in response to a thought or a comment by someone and create a whole saga , a whole tragedy out of our life. My life is a waste :D

When we make excuses or lies this is what we do, we consciously create a whole narrative to tell other people, what we are not realising is that, this is what our brain is doing to us as well. Its not exactly a lie, but it is making up a meaning full thread out of a string of facts, but there are so many facts that, there is creative liberty in how they can be arranged.

I think, Changing narrative experiment should be a one off thing, being aware of the narrative should be the staple 24/7 thing. This is where I disagree with The Secret, which recommends, changing narrative to positive as something staple, but then this may be what is required for people with seriously delimiting narratives- like anorexia etc.

Buddhist Metta or loving kindness meditation is one such, changing the narrative of our brain to positive type of meditation. Off course! Just realised Yoga nidra is ultimately aiming at achieving just this, we are asked to feel cold, then warm, heavy then light, pain and then pleasure, once you are expert at non emotional things like this, we can even attempt this at emotional things. :-) Gratitude journal is also this. which btw is such an amazing tool. It should be taught at school!

8 April 2017

How it all fits

It feels like its all part of a big jigsaw puzzle. Each part getting clear at some point, slowly see that they may be joining in and merging into one thing. We dont know what the final picture is. Wait and watch. 

mirror mirror on the wall

Shit! The biggest illusion of all times has been staring at us in our face all the time and we didnt even know it! Literally staring at us in our face - in - the - mirror!
Stand about arms lenght from the mirror and look at your face, It looks life size? Now reach forward and meassure the size of the head (in the mirror not your own :-p ) with your hand, You will see that the reflection is actually tiny, only half the size! 4-5 inches!  You can compare the meassure with your real head and see that.  Even tho we know this, Our brain compensates for this size and we will not be able to accept that, the head in the mirror is small :-)
Fact by Betty Edwards in the book - Colour. She calls it size constancy, We need to get past this illusion to draw realistic drawings.
She is the same lady who wrote Drawing from the right side of the brain. I love her. Her perception of  how the brain works with respect to vision is just amazing. She is enlightened in that aspect :) Many artists over ride all these illusions naturally and draw, paint beautifully but they are not aware of it, Its instinct so they wont be able to tell you. She is exceptional in that, she is so analytical and aware of all these processes that are happening when she/people draw and paint accurate, So she is able to teach others how exactly to be like a natural artist! She is amazing :) I find her books fascinating and eye opening. 

Narratives not history, Narratives not news

We only have narratives not reality - Just like Ulidavaru Kandante :-) Life is just like Ulidavaru Kandante!
What is the origin of Sufis? One person said, Its Islam influenced by Hinduism, I saw a documentry which said Its Christian monks who got converted to Islam and continued thier monestic life, The book I am reading links then to Persiab Maggi. who were esoteric Zorashtrian priests from over 3000 years ago. I said, I am open to multiple narratives.
When talking about some other contemporary incident again I found myself asking, What is his narrative, Not - "what happened?" but  "What does he say happened?", Then I realised this and thought with social media, we hear so many versions of a story, there is no fact any more, only Alternate facts ;). There are only narratives, no truth.
But then, this is true, of everything not just "these days" and "social media". Whole of history is like that, narratives, not facts.  Our memories are like that! Its all narratives.
Two people can have totally different versions of the same incident and its perfectly fine because its all narratives. If facts are so questionable and variable then what about opinions and such? 

I am a philosopher

I am a philiospher :) This is a pompous thought but If I have to categotize my self, I would put myself up as this.
Reading this book about Isabel Dalhousie who is a philosopher, Its P G wodeshose type fiction, written mostly to voice out his thoughts by the author, Alexander McCall Smith. Nice easy going light read, I find, I too indulge in the same kind of reasoning and thinking as Isabel, wondering about the morality of things, thinking about differences between people and why, chastising myself for uncharitable thoughts but still thinking them, Basically enjoying thinking.
Wonder if that makes me a Philospher :) 

7 April 2017

Wheel of life

Indian Moghal art was inspired by Persian Art, Which was Inspired by Chinese Art, Which was inspired by Ancient Indian Buddhist art!
Nepali and Tibetan Buddhist art is inspired by Chinese Art and Indian art. The Diety is drawn using Indian style, The surroundings in Chinese :-)

More on this art ...coming soon.
Sacred Geometry, Mandalas and Yantras and the effect of Geometry on our brain ( our software ) is fascinating! Cant wait to dig in and find out more.