Should architecture students study Vaastu and Feng Shui?
Is it inherent racism which is preventing us from seeing the wisdom in sciences of ancient cultures? Belief that old cultures are inferior to western thought?
When yogasana and Ayurveda have proved to be more holistic approach to western exercise and medicine and mindfulness and mediation have brought in a while new level to western psychology and . Its time to look at other ancient arts.
BTW Who invented the principles of western design and architecture? Who is defining the idea of beauty today?
Is it inherent racism which is preventing us from seeing the wisdom in sciences of ancient cultures? Belief that old cultures are inferior to western thought?
When yogasana and Ayurveda have proved to be more holistic approach to western exercise and medicine and mindfulness and mediation have brought in a while new level to western psychology and . Its time to look at other ancient arts.
BTW Who invented the principles of western design and architecture? Who is defining the idea of beauty today?