Does everyone interpret what we say in their own way? Based on their needs and expectations, There is always transference.
What about my understanding of other people? How accurate is that? If they dont get me, Do I get them? If we have different dictionaries, They may be meaning something and I may be understanding something all together different?
We all like to think we are so Unique but we then assume everyone feels and senses and thinks exactly like us, We assume everyone wants and desires same as us and has same motivations. We also feel those who dont think/desire like us is wrong! Its a strange contradiction. I mean off course we have seen the world in our own way and it is very very hard to imagine that this is our interpretation and it is not the ultimate truth. How many times I have said in my life - What!? you dont like Ice creme! HOW CAN U NOT! But May be for them ice creme tastes like how stevia tastes to me or something!?
The Memes like Blue/Black White/Gold Gown was a fine example of how we may be seeing and sensing the world differently.