-Trolls on Netflix
I had been thinking of the exact same thing today.
What u see - is what you have been trained to see. Like AI. AI will see only what it has been trained on. The AI trained to see faces will be completely blind to mountains, rivers, the sun, moon, stars, and definitely blind to sounds, touch , smell ;-) Obviously Duh!
We are also like that! we receive infinite input, What we see is actually bunch of pixels, and it can be interpreted in millions of ways. Our brain takes this pixel set and then picks out some objects and ignores the rest. What we are going to pick and see depends on how our particular vision has been trained since our birth. You see how you find 2 people resemble each other and some one else probably just does not? Or the blue and black dress and gold and white dress?
Not just seeing our brain is making sense of what we see, what we hear, what we sense . Its all put together and a meaning is created out of this. Its much more complex than AI vision . right?
So if there is something completely new or completely different from what we have been experiencing all our life? what happens? Our brain probably decides that this is a glitch and ignores it or gives a spin to it. We are all interpreting our experience based on our world view. everything our senses feel are adjusted and fit into this model. The rest are just excluded. So if you dont believe in something - the chance of us seeing it is very very low.
Ill give an example.
My friend is a bird watcher. She sees so many birds everywhere, I see and all I see is leaves. I stare and I concentrate but I can see nothing but if my friend tells me - There is a bird there - when I believe it. It does not take long for me to see it. Her vision is trained to look for and spot birds.
Where as my brain is trained to spot full moon. I m not even looking out for it and out of the blue my vision software spots it and says - Hey see there- beautiful moon, sometime even in the day a sliver of moon, I get the notification.
In such a scenario - what are the chances of a skeptic seeing something and the chances of believer seeing something?
Skeptics say believers are hallucinating, they are making up things, they are seeing things which arent. What they dont realise is the brain is equally capable of filtering out things , of not seeing things which are there. How do they know that is not happening to them?
If there are fairies, spirits, devas, ghosts - Do u think there is any chance of someone who firmly believes that they dont exist see them?
Havent you missed seeing your keys on the table right in front of you - because you believed I didnt keep the keys here?!? Then what are the chances of seeing or experiencing a fairy?
your brain will rationalise it away -It was the wind, it was a bird , it was just light... no?
How many times have unexplained things happened in your life and you explain it away - It must have happened like that - but it may not have - no? it may be something entirely new no?
You have to believe it to see it and feel it.