
19 January 2009

Kurigalu, Saar Kurigalu

Today, I think I am ashamed of our species, humans.! i just watched a movie about Nazis, Boy!! do i hate them or what! They are the sickest SOBs on this earth!! Grrrr.... but it got me thinking, what they did was not unique, happens in africa... all the countries, then what happned in india during partition and the way the lower castes were treated by upper casts here. [ I checkout the genocide page on Wiki- not a corner of the world spared!!! ] People are just evil inside and all that comes out when free reign is given???

High and mighty me, Will I toe the hatered line if I am put in a situation like that???

Then.... I think I was being too hasty judging ppl. a few evil ones but majority of the Nazi germany..? evil?

Or are we humans empty vessels who can very easily filled with evil shit? we are good if some powerful orator encourages us to be Or all go the other way in the hands of a Hitler. are we just puppets?
are we all psychos in disguise? or Buddhas even? Millions of people followed gandhi and non violence. were they good people and millions of Hitler followers bad?

I think these two were just the very same people – they were just followers. no good or bad in them. They[or should I say We] are just followers. We follow anyone who urges us to follow.

This has disturbed me a lil less now. thinking of our species as follower species rather than an evil species. There have been evil men,( VERY FEW WOMEN, no women! :-P) who have led hordes to evil and There have been good people Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi who commanded just as much, if not much bigger following…
hmmmm … so...followers han? ... just followers.


  1. The intent of all genocides, the purpose of all leadership (good or bad) is to impose uniformity, the uniformity of thought and action. The vehicles that effect such uniformity invariably become the weapon that the leaders use. Thus religion, race, caste and language are some of the vehicles that have been used time and again to perpetuate barbarity on others. Very few leaders in the history of civilization have acted otherwise and succeeded. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr come to mind.

  2. The point of the blog was to ponder about people and not leaders. Do we care whether the leader is good or bad? We just follow anyone who is charismatic speaker. or anyone whom everyone else follows
