Luckily for me the embarrassment was limited as I sit in a cube/cave alone with just another guy . who BTW laughed his heart out
Avinash was not all that lucky, he sits with the whole integration team. He borrowed kingfisher headphone and was so eager to listen to music, started playing it even before he connected them.
Ravi comments, let him fly the good times :P
walking into glass walls, I did it in Music world, I didn't break anything neither the glass not my head. except for my shape :P shape hoytu ashte
we have frosted glass doors in out pantry thanks to my super boss, :D he walked into a glass door one of those days, with in a week all glass doors got frosted. He broke his nose I heard.
Pulling on a door which opens by pushing!! grrr. In my old building u push the door and get in and u pull the door and get out and here.... ! cant they even maintain protocol?
haha one day I was tryin to be anti chauvinistic and wanted to open the door for people and yeah u guessed it I am pulling hard at a door which opens by pushing! :D
and typos.. when typing... sec.. pantry.. grrr...