
13 June 2010

golden evening

There was this beautiful sunset a couple of weeks ago, the kind which makes the whole world turn golden. Feels foreign that,remidns of brazil. Never been to brazil :) but I can imagine cant I? :)
Well that prompted me to tell my friend how an evening in an ideal world would be, to match this ideal sunset.
Such an evening deserves not sitting in offices. but ppl dancing to live music in the parks. there are these huge stages in parks where the town ppl practice music every evening. and passers by dance to that. ball dance or salsa . old couples and young ones too.. Its beautiful. the park is beautiful too.. with huge trees and lawn and big. no noice of vehicles here.. tho cycles run in the park, u can hear the rukus of kids playing . There are children running aroung in the park, the older ones have settled down for their daily talks. about science fiction and their favourite heros. the teenagers walk around throwing around sly glances. there are no fittness freaks sawing their butts off with ipods and black berries here. there are no texting teenagers. Its golden age and I think we are in 60s here...
Old people looking at the reflections in the river soaking up the sun and talking of old times with their old buddies they have known for ages now...walking sticks and toothless grins and mulfers monkey caps and guffass. and passing youngsters chatting up the oldies. complimenting the old granpas bout how handsome they are looking that day. everybody has a smile for everybody else.. no creased eye brows no frown lines... laughter... lightness...peaceful not quite but peaceful and the smell.... ah its smells so fresh , the grass, the leaves... like its just stopped raining...sun is trying to hide behind that far away fort on that far away hill!! I take a deep breath and stare into the horizon!! nice! I think I'll run up and climb that hill and catch the last rays of the sun... wanna race?

written 20/06/2009 almost an year ago.. edited now. :) have seen quite a few golden susnsets since then but havent been moved by any of them.


  1. The lighting in Vicky Kristina Barcelona is actually like this...

