
30 September 2012

magic moments

Some times u wonder if this is really happening
Long ago, Rainy day in Bangalore, I saw a dead eagle in a puddle...:-( it moved,  Not dead, hurt.
Hurt animals are heart breakers, they will most often die on you.
What to do with this guy? no need of heart break, just go, should I take it to a vet? Should I take it home?
I decided Ill take it out of the puddle, give it some water and leave it to its fate. ( I remember wondering if this was a crow would I do this? sometimes our mind acts like a sick bastard full of self doubt! X-( ) Pot seller's tent near by, these guys from Rajasthan - sell plants and pots near Koramangala. I asked one of them for a glass of water...fed a bird a bit and left him in shade  and went off to work.
It didnt leave me alone, this bird. Ok, if the bird was still alive Ill take it home and watch it die! X-( went back.. bird is not there! ah! did it recover and fly away? :-) may be dogs...? no..boy from the shop and me found it hiding behind some rocks.. nice! It could hop now! wow.. may be.. it will live.
We are trying to catch it but it hops away and tried to peck us ! its an eagle after all!
Then our hero enters! seriously  Hero! this older boy, skinny young not more than 18.. Talks to the eagle distracts it and catches it... the bird pecks him but he doesnot care!  Soon he gets needle and thread and is sewing up the broken wing!! which was very badly broken :(  he is using sticks and  branches to support broken bones!! the eagle is only mildly protesting..then he binds the whole wing with strips of cloth turmeric and coffee ( which pranic healing tells me has a lot of orange prana and helps to draw out infection)! This uneducated pot seller! So confidently fixed up the bird!! He says he saw some bastards throw stones at young eagles the day before :( When their cat got too interested in the bird, he put some straw in a huge pot, and put the bird in it and covered it with  a basket! He knew exactly what to do! all the time! He said  his uncle back home kept pet eagles and kites -  What were the odds??? To this day I am still amazed at the whole thing.. at the skill of that boy! the timing and everything.. he was like a surgeon! a pro!  He was just amazing... The younger brother doesnot know anything about birds but the older one is a pro,,, It was so lucky that I went back later at a time when the older one was home!
May be after all this the bird did die and all u know...Animals are very delicate anyway its a beautiful story..Eagle was well taken care off, I couldnt have done better, a vet couldnt have done better.. so.. leave it at that... It was an unbelieble expereince .. there are such wonderful people out there in this world amazing people   amazing ordinary people...god bless him..god bless them.

be gentle

In words and in thoughts also... my phone and laptop are dead, after a few months of cursing them, they are gone.. :-(  When the phone died I was not bothered, but the laptop.. it died unexpectedly and I feel bad about me constantly cursing  it.
Considering what cursing can do to things I wonder how much it affects people...( ah! u think its all coincidence  and u think I m going cuckooo and all? :-) Its ok.. actually its not ok, dont think bad things about me please.. it may affect me badly :-p )
Should always remember no cursing the usual suspects job/traffic/trains/bus/boss/husband  :)  the body - no cursing fat stomach or tired eyes.. or pinching shoe
Its so easy to not be irritated about things if we just remember. ( part of me wants to roll eyes at the easy :D) 

11 September 2012

Why spirituality? because it makes me feel wonderful! :-}

6 September 2012

diluting the issues

I dont necessarily agree with the MP but I too feel lot of issues are diluted by mixing them up with trivial or not so serious issues or taking things to ridiculous lengths so sane people just drop it and wont be associated with it anymore.
This is a good example of diluting rape.. its not the same as Poolan Devi dragged around by 20 odd men v/s this. everyone is shouting about womens rights and evil of rape but really Its sad. Anti rape resources ( even talk time and newsprint) shouldnt be wasted of these women I mean they have been wronged but not that much? ( Am I wrong in feeling that?)
Amnesty international - talking about rights for a psychopath who killed 20 people. In UK one such was released and promptly killed another lady after 2 months! X-( I wish he had killed the human rights activists.Stupid people diluting real human rights issues like may be bombing of civilians in Afghanistan by being plain silly! dangerously silly.
Feminists - new level of sillyness all - women who insist on changing hu"man" to hu"person"!!
Racism - by making a huge hue and cry about say a white person making sardarji joke v/s systematic govt sponsored racism . Equating affectionately calling ur fellow football player negretto( little black person in Spanish) to being punched in the face for being asian!
Animal rights activists... Mixing up Whale hunting and Elephant poaching with promoting being vegetarian!  Eating a chicken v/s killing a tiger! hmmm

I think when people are passionate about things they just cant see reason and cant see the difference others are seeing.. for them tiger and chicken are actually same! hmmm!! 

5 September 2012


When someone asks me if I belive in god and I say yes... 
I was wondering what do I actually feel about god...
There are mythological gods and then there is abstract(?) god...
I think what my parents taught us about our gods is really sweet...
Hanuman Ganesha - what is the foremost emotion? affection! and admiration! They are my childhood heros! werent they? guarding my mom's bathroom door like Ganesha :D and pretending to be Hanuman and climbing trees :D  Jai Maruti Lathi Sangha! :D So dear to me!  almost like someone who love superman/spiderman? do I love them like a fictional character.. love and there is respect too..and affection! especially for animal gods i think...and Shiva... because he was called innocent, Bholenath.. my uncle told me that Ravana and most rakshasas prayed to shiva because he was the easiest to please and he was innocent. he didnt trick them like Vishnu did :) remember Bhasmasura story? where Vishnu had to save Shiva? and I liked him for his cool get up. skulls and snakes and graveyard! cool or what! :)
Everyone loves Ganesha offcourse....Durga because I was like her... When I went into one of my angry fits, my  mother used to tell me that when I was little my grandma called me Sarasvati because I loved books and now I have become Durga :D I would have liked her to call me Kaali.. she didnt becase she knew I would think I was tooo cool if she did it..Durga was good enough tho! :D
I was slightly scared of Shani god.. I always wash the back of my feet, even now :D after what happend to Satya Harishchandra. all this depends from person to person I dont feel attached to Raama or grandma was very fond of Krishna.. I think she empathised and felt a lot for meera bai.. she used to have tears in her eyes when she told Meera Bai's story :)

Christianity and all those monotheistic faiths have made God into a kind of scary monster... word God invokes fear and guilt in so many followers.. I guess lot of Hindus too have this view of God. This is what  Louise hay and Paulo coehlo so dislike this view of god. They think its because its Male God it has become that way, I think lot of Hindu's are manipulated to fear Female gods, Monotheistic/Male/Female doesnot matter.. God is a good way to subjugate and manipulate people.. I am lucky my parents and Grandparents and uncles had a great perspective towards god..

So what is the God I believe in..
When I make up the story to tell other people about my belief in God, I say God is a state of mind to experience. It doesnot matter wheter god actually exists or not... It is something people have experienced and so there exists a state of mind where people feel very very good and they feel god. I want that too.. it sounds as if I m athiest/agnostic.
But In actuallity I m much closer to God, my belief is deeper than that "intellectual" type definition I have up there. God is like a dear friend, like a teacher, like a parent - more like a Grand Parent. Its not Hanuman/Ganesha /someone with a gold crown. Its just God, Its probably male a him. Is there a Image? Old man with white beard? no. Its abstract - no Image - Name is in English - God.
have I actually experienced?
I experience gratitude for god, When I see beautiful things, Sweet things, Niceness...
Is there an entity  like that? If someone says Is there someone called god, I can genuinely reply no. Is there something called god.. dono .. no.. I dont think there is a God out there.. So God is a concept in my mind then? No - its not such a clinical "concept" ( Grrr ). I am very emotionally attached to God :-) Big hug! god! :) Part of my imagination? :) no?...When I feel touched This is so beautiful.Thank you.May be I mean "for all the circumstances that led to this beauty" - Thank u?
What ever is responsible for the warm feeling in my heart is God! :) Oxytocin/Dopamine? :D
He is pure love!
( BTW I m not against the concept of entities - Like Gaia/ mother earth...I cant say no to that.. in such cases I am agnostic leaning towards yes, I may say its true but I wont insist, I wont tell kids that they all exist :) but God is not in that league.
What god is not, is somebody who is responsible for keeping me happy or granting me wishes.( but that doesnot stop me from asking - God please keep everyone happy/safe/ please make me happy etc :) ) i hardly ever get upset with god.
He is not responsible for keeping the world and everyone happy, I dont blame him for floods/wars/hurricanes/small children dieing of starvation/ for cancer/psychos etc
God is not moral police who punishes you if you dont do what he said! I dont believe he said anything in the first place! He doesnot meddle!
God is not figher of evil, He is not opposite of Satan. good and evil is low level, god is higher level than that. He can hold my hand when I am scared, but he wont beat up that bad guy with a knife.. but he may encourage me to be brave tho :) ashte
I think thats all about God!

stop trying

stop trying to wake up
stop trying to sleep in
stop trying to talk to people
stop trying to relax
stop trying to enjoy the weather
stop trying to improve
stop trying to be aware
stop trying to stop trying
stop trying to get better job
stop trying to be successful
stop trying to make more money
stop trying to not be materialistic
stop trying to look good
to eat healthy
to lose weight
to become thin
to learn
to enjoy
to be happy
to control emotions
to let emotion flow
to be disciplined
to be free
to stop wasting time
to stop procrastinating


to make a blog out of everything
to follow ur heart
to do something creative
to try to impress people
to not care for what people think
to keep in touch

edit: ( not very interesting link I din read except heading :P)
Original thoughts are not there any more.

3 September 2012

kids are so free

So Jealous of the Kids!!! They are doing parkour all the time.. so effortlessly so easily so freely. not one bit selfconscious! Grrr Thats what I envy MOST . selfconscious-less!  This lil kid walking on the street suddenly does a cartwheel :D just like that :D and he went on doing cartwheels! hehe! Walking on a railings.. I want to walk on the railing too!!! I want to do cartwheel too ( Ahem which I can do now BTW!!! so proud! and I can juggle too :D and swim in the sea :D  atleast UK is good that way, even if people think u are weird they wont show it :D)
May be thats why I love parkour, Its like a free ticket to do all the kiddie stuff under a respectable guise :D  so envy the kids tho, they dont need any guise.. neither do I but why cant I be free?

are thoughts original?

Every thought I get is mostly seeded by what I m reading what I watched on TV etc.. dont I have any original thoughts??? Is my direction ( of thinking growth etc) set by what I read? then again I chose what I read so its kind of indirectly choosen by me( most times)  I see my blogs are related to what I read mostly.. except for some burning recurring issues( recurring so not original :P) most of else I think is triggered by external input.
do we have original thoughts at all.. how rare is it to have? In this day of information overload( which I love by the way) Is it much harder to get really orginal un-influenced thoughts?
by Original I dont mean something which has never been thought before but I mean its something which has grown completely in my head without any seed from outside. if that makes sense...