are thoughts like ice bergs? like they have 1/3 up and 2/3 below our conscious level?
reading Secret- which BTW is quite a nice book, dono why it has such a bad name. anyway, it says that your feelings are indicators of what kind of thoughts u are thinking.
I noticed that some thoughts seem innocent or very short at conscious level but they have a huge emotional charge to them. that means there is lot more to that thought than what comes to mind, large part of that thought is below surface.
noticing thoughts and feelings is not that straightforward, mind!
how to actually get to the hidden part of thoughts?
Thoughts and feelings are not 1:1 and its not an easy mapping as these books lead us to believe. Thoughts dont always generate feelings, the same thought sometimes brings about feelings and sometimes not. Feelings color thoughts. If I m feeling irritated, and I think of one non irritating person I may paint them with irritation too.. like that.
The Game: That playboy guide book, actually has a technique. The guy asks these women to imagine a time when they were very happy, Or about an ideal situation. women imagine it and start feeling good. but they attribute these good feelings to the guy who asked the question! and get hooked! serious! this was an NLP technique.
Controlling feelings is not hard, understanding them is. Its the next level of the game.
Secret is a good book, it talks of Secret shifters, music or good memory or a walk or something, which can shift ur mood instantly. once u get into the habit u may be able to shift moods without the actual shifter. It is good. but...I do want to understand and go into why the bad feelings came up in the first place. is it worth it?
actually when I feel bad now, the first reaction is dilemma, should I shift to good mood or should I try to understand this! :)