
8 August 2017

Detachment vs Love

Avatar the last air bender. Its an amazing animation series. Spiritual, incorporating Eastern Buddhist culture-remix perfectly. They got one thing wrong. that is the thing that almost everyone in the west, for that matter almost everyone ( Except me >:-) ) gets wrong.
This is the basic fear about spirituality for almost everyone  ( except may be a few  peeps like - me ;-D )
"Letting go and being spiritual means not loving a person, detachment means not loving anyone and becoming a zombie." The series got everything right but they are showing personal love as greater than enlightenment. and I dont like that.

If this is wrong then how does it really work? Is it really wrong?
Not exactly, we in our small minds love individuals, our children, our parents, one person we choose as partner etc, this is celebrated as the greatest virtue, It may - in the context of non expanded small minds.
but to enlighten the mind and go beyond right and wrong, then this love probably goes, then our child is as lovely as the neighbours child, they probably genuine feel as sad when they read about 15 dead in car accident as when they hear their parents demise. Or probbaly not feel bad at all in both cases.
When they let go of the personal love, they are filled with universal love, unconditional love for one and all, for all beings not just humans but even for small pox virus and ugly slimy slug which eats their strawberries.

This state is not a zombie state at all, this is a very high level, very superior, very beyond the confines of the small mind kind of love, this is the avatar kind of love.  you and I dont have to fear this because fearing this is like starting couch to 5k for running and fearing that you will break Ussain bolts record and make him feel bad :-D :-D :-D  This is out of our league. ( Unless some enlightened person is reading this, then Sorry :-P )

Love for one person is never greater than love for all, may be be mothers love for her baby, may be be savitri s love for her husband bringing him back from the dead, all these have the self and selfishness at their heart. it is "your" love. It is never ever greater than compassion and love for all beings like the bodhisatvas have. never.

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