
30 November 2017


one lesson I learnt from kids!
2 kids did this. They have no clue how to do something but they are in their "independent and want to do things by themselves" stage of life, right?    being small and having spent only a few years on earth - they have absolutely no idea how to. but these kids they refuse to let you teach.
This gave me an epiphany, There is no shame in learning by copying, this is the only way for the beginner. You cannot figure out everything by ourselves. Phew!  I dont draw and paint a lot because of exactly this reason, I dont want to copy but have no great ideas!! There! that is the point at which the epiphany happens, How can I get good ideas before I learn, and how do I learn if not by copying?  you copy, you learn the basics and you do the rote thing, Then - creativity will happen.  I trying to do original art is exactly like the kids trying to make a kite - both have no idea how and are stupid to not copy.

Classical arts follow this principle very strictly, you are not allowed creativity until you learn the prescribed syllabus. This seemed very restrictive to me, but now I see the point in this. Unless you are an absolute genius freak who has hardcoded knowledge, this is the way to go. 

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