
30 November 2018

Poor - taboo?

We all have different dictionaries, they all contain the same words but slightly different meanings.
 Ocean Waves a beautiful movie by Studio Ghibli, has a scene, the 1960 version of the heroine, goes out of the house without shoes and her father hits her. the one and only time he hit her.
Whats so bad about going with out shoes? Is it Japanese cultural thing? Is it perceived as being naked - bare foot considered as sexy? Kinky Japanese  :-)  I looked up.
Apparently, Poor didn't have shoes and Rich did. So if you went out without shoes its like being poor.
Isn't that shocking? I mean looking poor being considered so demeaning.
I did have an insight about how whatever is considered beautiful actually is just a showcase of being rich, but this is more shocking in a way - being Poor is a Taboo!?
Shouldn't actually be shocking, I have been thinking about this for some days
Swear words like Bewarsi in Kannada - actually just means Orphan. Biknasi literally means pennyless.
Not showing that you are poor is a value in many cultures.
Isn't it really sad, instead of pitying someone situation we actually consider that a taboo a shameful condition. Cultures are ashamed of being poor and we actually look down upon poor people?

My granddad  was poor ! ha ha! See I say this I am extremely proud of the fact how my Uncles and Dad came up in life in-spite of my grandfathers situation.  So tho I mostly dont talk about myself I do say this out many times
How does it sound to other people??? I have never given this thing a thought!  How does it sound to my parents? Do they feel ashamed? Obviously not, I think they are the ones that instilled that pride in our background.
This nagging feeling that everyone does not see this as shining example of positive came to me when someone commented - Oh but you were poor! like in some kind of slur! It didn't register then but its been at the back of my mind.
In Titanic Rose refuses to call Jack Poor. she does not say it. That I couldnt comprehend at that time!
Are other people judging me? Lot of people talk about their ancestors wealth, I am the only one who seems to talk about poor ancestors  !LOL Not true, actually I have some friends who do talk about how difficult it was for their parents and I did appreciate it - had respect for them!
but isnt it so sad, I think its changing, I think now people dont look down, except may be some snooty upper class families and such? no?

My parents are the opposite who look down upon wealthy :))) 

28 November 2018


Is horrible. At least what he says just doesnot gel with me. What Buddha said... Introduction to Buddha was quite accurate, He is a scientist etc. Except it was told in 10 times more words than necessary. Ok.

When talking about Buddha, He talks about how a child are most comfortable in mothers womb and how he(HE)  is not free from the womb untill he find a wife. How mother can never forgive a wife bla bla bla such shit. This is Ekta kapoor serial level shit, What about daughters? I dont see any mother holding a grudge against a son in law? He talks of this shit as if it is absolute truth
If Buddha is a scientist, Osho is a rubbish B grade story teller :-)  Just so full of bull shit.  This is just one example, I tried to listen to one hour talk, It didnt have even one minute of What Buddha said, It has full hour of shit about celibacy, this kind of jealousy crap and , bramhins(?) and all sorts of rubbish. How to people tolerate him??!
This is my second and last attempt, I had to take second chance because some people I really respect seem to feel he is good. He just seems like a crap charlatan on drugs to me. So angry :-)