
12 June 2019

Tell me a story

Audio books
I remember that day long ago 2011, when I was going in the tube and wanted to hear stories. I remembered by parents telling me stories in my childhood and wanted it again. I searched for stories and realised I can listen to audio books, Then came the London library and my first book Zahir by Paulo Coehlo!
How I loved it, Its been a long journey and 100s of audio books ( :-P May be 30 atleast? ) How I loved listening to Poisonwood bible in Kew Gardens. I walked the whole day listening to the book. 5-6 hours!  Slummy mummy - which made me laugh the most in the tube.
How I love them, Now I drive with audible .  There are lot of fillers for sure, Agatha Raisin and Alexander McCall Smith. Though I really like Alexander McCall Smith.  but then there are wonders. The Gene, That was enlightening and The Secret Garden,  I think I listen more than I read now...because its 2 hours a day dedicated to listening :-)
My love of listening to stories had definitely been satisfied :)

11 June 2019

measure and display progress

This is one thing that is missing in my self development journey
Some people would say this is not required, you dont have to measure, you just go with the flow.
but at this point in my life I feel like I have tried and left everything half way. I am a magpie who is going after every new trend. like I have not really made any progress at all
May be this will help me stick to one thing and progress in that instead of being a jack of all, and master of none.
Reminder of this half year will be about measurement and tests and progress charts.
I did think about this before, that in school we achieved so much because we had a timetable a syllabus and tests ( I love tests ;-) I am like Harmoine! Okay :P )
so I guess some kind of discipline is required to actually show progress.
so it shall be.