
10 April 2011

pissed off rant

Its the feminist again.
I am making sarcastic comments on facebook,about our Indian census and Skewed sex ration.
I am actually very pissed off. Boiling actually!
India and its "£*$&"£$ @£$%£$%# £$%£$% £$%"~@# F"£$^ing customs and attitudes!
My anger is against stupid son favouring Indian mothers, who bring up their sons as if they are princes! who turn out into stupid brats who think its their birth right to be waited upon, who dont learn any work, who believe men are superior to women because - oh mom treats sis poorly and me well! sons who think wifes will be their slaves - just like their beloved mum. sons who think dowry is ok! sons who think wives family is ready cash ATM! Bride burning horrible mums -I hate you. and ur sons!
ps: Sorry guys, all you my friends I dont mean you. you are all the nicest possible. especially the guys :-P genuinely very very nice guys. even u -V :D.
My anger is against girls themselves who are stupid enough to be burden on their brothers and fathers.. who expect or allow their parents to shell out expensive gifts and dowry and a grand wedding as if its their birthright, mind u! this kind of girl child is a curse for life... 80 year old mothers still buy marriage clothes for daughters children and have to shell out money for festivals... Those gifts are out of love! Its out of love? really? Thats why 914:1000? People still dare give me that crap! Its a custom. Nasty shit custom that is what it is.
Discrimuation was so rampant in my childhood. The parents were so skewed in most of my friends/relatives homes in favour of boys, It was disgusting. My classmates were genuinely frightened of fighting with their ( sometimes younger) brothers. brothers displeasure = parents punishment. Food- Bornvita for son - milk water tea for daughter, Ghee Dosa only for son. Cycle only for son. This was 1980s and 90s middle class homes. "I am a Complan Boy!" the Complan girl only came into picture much later- mid 90's. Engineering for sons, B com for daughters! This my own aunt! Not like they din have money!Especially obvious in homes with 2 daughters and one son at the end "The precious". but unlike my cousins, most of these girls were educated well , encouraged at sports and everything, they were very cool girls much much better than that spoilt rotten precious sons at the end but they accepted this discrimination. They never thought it was abnormal or wrong. Mothers of these girls were working women, very well educated and otherwise very nice parents. but so unabashedly shamelessly sexist! how can they be like this - so contradictory?
I am more angry than them! I think someone who sees these things from outside is more angry than someone who actually experiences it. They have accepted it as norm. Are they doing the same in their houses today? I dono.
I think Hindus are worst in this regards- Muslims and Christians for what ever beliefs( probably like anti abortion and children being god gift) dont kill the girls as much as the Hindus and Sikhs and godless communists ( China :D).

How did it turn out for me?
because of all this sickness I d decided Ill do my bit to change the world! Ahem :) as a matter of principle, I would not make my parents spend any money on my marriage. .or on any gifts and I'd contribute to the household, my brothers fees etc... I believed that if every girl did that, if she stopped being a burden on her parents, if she financially supported her parents in old age then things will chnage. I didnt even cry in my marriage because I didnt believe - I am out of the family and that kinda nonsense..
I can honestly say that my parents haven't dicriminated even a single day in my childhood. I would like to think I would have bitten off heads if it wasn't so.. but I think, I think radically like this because of my parents( dad more upset than me about cousin getting married before completing study)... they have given me and my brother equal chances in every possible thing. motivationally, financially ,food :-D, distribution of work, opportunities ...everything. or so I thought!!!
In our house it has turned out the other way... they gave me everything but they discriminated. how? by not having expectations. They dont expect anything from me. they dont expect me to look after them when they are sick, they dont expect me to be with them when are old. They dont expect me to contribute. I am a guest in that house. I din want to be NOT part of my parents home.. but am I really part of that home?
That realisation comes slowly and that comes as a shock... Err .. !
... Its a good thing!! :D Its a good thing...I am free or what ever.
For an indian woman its still a long way to go...
( also goes to show logical thinking will lead nowhere, if u want to succeed in this world u have to feel and understand others feelings)

Oh well the sex ratio..its also a good thing!! :-D
We should encourge this trend, make it legal even, if u dont want a girl child - dont have one. Make testing and abortion free..."Ladki boj hai! Apna boj aaj hi halka kareye! bus bees rupee mein! App ke ghar se clinic aane ka auto fee, uske baad sab free..." let us see how bad it goes?
-Its an automatic way of population control after all.what better way to control population than limit the number of girls.
-If number of girls reduce then their value will increase. no more dowry, no more bride burning - if you burn this one u wont get another spare!
-If there are more single men than women, the worst will get weeded out, so it will improve our stock.
-What if those singles go to dogs and create havoc like the wild useless tuskers... then let it be let the society suffer for its sins.
-We can send off these surplus men to Jihad, promise them 40 virgins after death ;-) It would be very effective.
-We can send them to space , on dangerous space missions. they have nothing to loose. ( yeah lets save the apes)
-Will all these surplus men will turn gay? that is intersting thought... then may be even peace will prevail and population will be controled and women will have a better standing in society? win win! what say?
-I guess we can make them into monks! Vatican zindabad ( this option is same as above? :P)
-1:1 maping of men to women is a stupid old way of looking at society, society can change to something more bold.
Nah! this wont work? even the gay thing wont work... what about family lineage and all that crap. They din have a son for the love of son. did they? they want a grand SON! oh yeah !
how will they do it without women? they'll probably use our holy cows as surrogates for their grandsons :P that will be some technology.
I read a lot of comments on the news items by western people, surprising they seem to have same ideas as me( all the above!!) but I am being sarcastic and they are being serious! What has happened in India ( and china) is plain wrong it does not have silver lining. One new perspective was that some women dont want to have girl child as they dont want the child to suffer the same as they have suffered before. I think this was an Asian woman.
The perspective of some people about Indian parents wanting to "keep the children" was funny :-) what we see as normal they see it as unnatural - keeping children with you even when they are grown. :-) perspective. but I agree with them that this is main reason for son bias.

If I think logically and reason it out..I can see the reasons for it. First off, I dont belive abortion is wrong. So, out of female feoticide. I dont believe the feoticide part is wrong. so it must be the female part that bothers me. actually this is also the part that bothers our govt.
( feoticide is okay..? I speaking without empathy here, like a logical robot and I am lieing... I got my cats operated- spayed for not having kittens, its a good thing! no body wants to fill animals shelters with unwanted kittens nor can u take care of all its progeny nor can u abandon them some streets across. It had to be done but I am sad about it! It had 3 unborn kittens in its stomach. Doc din tell me before. I think I would change my mind if he had. I am still sad about it..:-( )

Considering a lower middle class house hold, if u have a girl, she will take away about 5-10 years of parents salary for marriage and dowry. and then because of new laws, 50% of the property and then constant gifts all your life and when u are old and dieing she will not be there to take care of u and to even put Ganga jal in your mouth, what kinda investment is that? I can understand that pretty well.. there is no social security in India,pension is very small, how will u live in your old age? ur only hope is ur son. then why am I being a bitch about this?
I still find it hard to digest.
If I sow potatoes I make 10 rs per kilo, tobacco 100 rs. so Ill sow tobacco. daughter v/s son. dowry no income in old age son v/s will take care of me. choice = son. why is it hard to digest?

The cold caculating ways of the world and the society - biting me . Is there nothing like selfless love? mothers love is epitome of selfless love but even mothers/parents love is so selfish? Children - an investment for old age? Its all economics and cold calculation. It hurts. but that is nature after all. if there is food for only one chick doesnot the eagle just push off the weaker chick over the ledge? doesnot cat eat one of its weaker kittens? but animals are doing it for survival of other kids not for their old age.. thats not so business minded!! Western parents are less selfish than eastern ones then? they take care of their children selflessly without expectations both sons and daughters?? then they have social security. But then Rich Indians have enough money for 7 generations they are still discriminating...

Out of all this madness and horridness, I really have to respect and salute those parents who dared to have only girls...tat too in the past decades.. have to salute my parents for being selfless (tho it irritates me no end and makes me feel useless) To all those people out there today who are treating all their kids fine,without discriminating on Gender! All those who are able to raise above our "£$"£$$%^£$%^"$"£$% F"£$%£$%^"£ing Culture! God bless you all!

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