
8 March 2013

how many people touch our lives

How many people touch our lives... the web of people who are directly or indirectly doing something to run this world smoothly without us even noticing it is.. is kind of overwhelming. We are also doing our lil part in this.. like an ant hill really, we are all doing our things and it all loosely fits in and run the world - more or less smoothly.

how many people are involved in making my life the way it is? in the background? not realising they are affecting my life and I not realising..

As I get to work from home, someone cleaned the apartment corridor, someone gardened the lawns, some one build the apartment in the first place, and installed the lights.. so many people are working to get electricity into the lights and heating... the people who are actually generating the current, to the people who makes the bills to the ones reading my meter...The carpets..someone cut the jute, some one weaved it, some one installed it, someone brought it here by truck .. I havent even stepped out into the road yet.. the glass, the bricks, the cement... the street lights, the traffic lights, the roads, pavement, the administration which is making it all run like clock work, the government, the people who made traffic rules, the ones who gave license, the decent drivers who are not running me over,the police who is enforcing it... bus driver, the people who made the bus, the factory the individual parts, the miners who mines the metal for the bus... ufffff... how deep could this go...

If we actually drew a graph of how we are touched by whom? across time and space..  how far back in time would be go? How many people would connect to me. And if we connected facilitator to facilitators would we connect almost every person on earth? how many of the 7 billion are actually facilitating me? :)

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