
7 September 2015

all beliefs - with a pinch of salt.

cats are thieves, cant trust cats, they dont love u.
cats think u are their servant.
 some people say oh i hate cats, u got a cat i wont come to your house, but they never keep their promise ;)
cats are not will eat you if you die! For gods sake, ever had a cat? ever died? no.. then how do u know? :-P

Our human heads are so full of shit.

No offence !even mine is. I mean we are so full of ready made information, filled up like fast food. Its hard to figure out how much of it is true and how much of it is bullshit. We pick up our beliefs and ideas from all sorts of very unreliable sources. We are like sponge, we hear something, it gets processed and gets stored in our head sometimes as true without our conscious validation.
I have seen thought seeding happen, I say something to someone, they deny it, reject it and forget it, after a couple of months, they come back to me and tell the same thing I suggested back to me!! They believe its their suggestion and that they agree with it! :-) I bet I do the same and I dont even know it!
So all beliefs - with a pinch of salt.


The idea of profit itself is a ponzi scheme, isnt it? if u want to get more than what u spent for ur product... someone else has to pay for it. when u barter, u ideally get something equal to what u gave. but if u make a profit, some one makes a loss. so greater the profit greater the loss - somewhere.
Isn't that wrong? shouldn't I make sure everyone get their due? then concept of profit is silly?
It isnt obvious but just like with ponzi schemes, just by making a profit lot of people are going to round up poor n in loss, it is happening all around us n we are not realising it. Why are their poor and rich? because someone made a hefy profit ;-)  ok that is over simplification.
You should charge for a product what it cost you plus slightly more so that you can make a living. Charging for a product based on demand and supply/ Or based on how the market is doing. Its is not fair. Is it?

Money should mean nothing unless u create real wealth real value , but in today's world the people who make most money are facilitators or middle men like stock brokers, Advertisers, or opportunists or few entertainers footballers/cricketers/film stars/singers CEOs not the people doing real work.

 Difference in currency of 2 countries , makes ur effort to be valued differently than in another place. Are they really creating more/less wealth in the solid real world? no!

Merchants have made the most money since the birth of civilizations, is that fair? Warriors have made mostest money because they just snatched it from other people. That is not fair and we all accept that :-)

eternal torture

The idea of eternal torture, this stuck a chord of fear in me, getting killed is ok, but being held captive n being tortured for years... strikes a deep gloom in my heart.
It started of by the idea of pitr in indian mythology, they say if ur children or inheritors dont have children then u will be stuck in the world where u cannot work on salvation. I donot believe all this, it seems extreemly unfair to some very nice people I know and also very manipulative may to get people to procreate, ( If Dr Bappa didnt go to heaven, then ur heaven is an effing place you disgusting bastards!).
 Anyway, this reminded me of some fiction (or was it a dream?)  where people are tortured for life ( NOT tortured untill death, because they are not in a hurry to kill them) . They were operated on, on their brains, so there was no escape from that torture for them - ever. They were physically mutilated to be on all fours and in leashes and mentally mutilated so that they only have enough sense to feel the horror of the torture. I keep getting the picture of   chained collared person on all fours with a gas mask  and that peson is not a person anymore, he is reduced to a worm or something. They keep saying death is a blessing. so damn horrifying and disturbing this was. I associate this with ISIS and middleeast. I dont know were I got it from, I think its a mish mash dream,
 Could be what my brain made up after reading about the torture of victims by psychopaths, girl with dragon tatoo and the halle berry movie with her disgusting husband and that guy in US who help some girls captive and tortured then for decades ( Ah this seems to be the main horror influence).  Or it could be Game of thrones torture scenes and the ambience is out of the central asian jail in Batman movie.

Horrid horrible dream/thought or whatever! 
Take care and watch nice things Deeps, not such horror, it has left a bad impact on your mind.