Edit: I think one year of pandemic has given a very good perspective on Corona! How I had under- estimated Corona at the begining of the pandemic. Only 1% fatalities! I thought! Did not think of its ability of mutate and its super spreading ability. They said its like flu! It is NOT like flu. Flu probably has very less fatality, may be 0.1%? I Bow to the king of pandemics! In perspective, Corona deserves more respect than what the Govts did not less!
Latest Image for comparision with other pandemics, It is dwarfed by the other ones. Wonder how the infograhic would look if we adjust it to technological advances in medicine and vaccine ( Ah but Then we will also have to adjust it to percentage of population, so it would probably be in similar position. Also in those days who would be frail enough to fall prey for corona and not killed by some other ailment? Its hard to adjust a modern pademic to historic periods. )
All the world govts are taking a lot of action on Corona Virus. This kind of prevention is unprecedented. Work from home, isolation,closing down of schools etc. It is wonderful. There is a lot of panic and fear and hysteria as well.
I wanted to get my head around the actual danger of Corona virus and how it compares with other causes of death. Kind of get some perspective on the subject... Hmmm!
Why are we sooo worried about Corona again? Isnt it insane?! Look at heart disease numbers in USA alone. Shouldnt we be acting with same kind of urgency and passions about Global warming and plastic pollution?? and about eating good food, about sustainable life style??
Plastic bags were banned from the super markets over a span of 2 years. Recycling was introduced over 4 years?
Reducing fossil fuel over 20 years.
However instant action on Corona.
Compare corona numbers with Animal cruelty - 800,000 cows slaughtered per day! every day!!! every day!!!!
Ok I get it Corona is contagious! Heart disease is not, Road accidents
are not. Also its the spike thats the problem, the number of people
dying is a lot per day? ( In western world may be, in India 350 people
dying per day would be nothing?!)
Still! I conclude
Human mind is irrational. Even the collective global mind.
More perspective, How it compares with Births(in a year) ? :-)
What do u think? Should we be worried about Corona virus or Over population? ;-)
How it compares to older pandemics, It is still mild, It is not half as bad as swine flu which killed 200,000 people just 10 years ago. And Aids!!