
7 June 2012

Trust and patience

Trust and patience
Trust and patience
Trust and patience

Trust myself that I can do it and patience with myself till I do well eventually...
I m actually a quick learner but I am so embarrassed about that learning curve  and so miserable getting thru it.. totally lacking trust too all the time till I perfect it.
Its all right to make mistakes.. we all learn and do well because of them!

I want my first painting to be Mona lisa :) How many things we dont even start because we dont trust ourselves to do it well..

In esoteric stuff and self development...Its really important to trust our experiences...
we know what we felt, we know how good or bad it need to convince anyone else..
Do we trust ourselves when we feel tired? or sick? or call ourselves lazy?
Do we trust our good feelings...I am looking great today.. and then someone says.. ur dress is u still feel good looking?
I am very bright! some one says are u? what have u achieved.. and ur ballon is we really trust?
forget others... no one else knows... they have their own filters and issues.. they see what they want to see.. thru their can they see us? we are all blind ... only person we need to trust is ourselves...

Our own ego is always questioning and doubting...thats when we need to have patience and trust in the process... like gardening...we have to plant the seeds and wait :) we cant dig and check everyday to see if the seeds have sprouted or not?

Awareness for example.. It starts as a spritual exersice but ego soon takes it over and makes it into a competition/Goal oriented/Task.. I m always in my own world, are those people more aware than me, are they better? Am I really aware or not.. oh god I dont even know to be aware! What are the benefits I have got out of it so far? is it worth while and so on :)
All that is not necessary...just intend to be aware and I will know how to be aware.. trust myself to know that and have patience till it happens... no goals.. no violence no measuring...and no "will power" - with using will power there is always resistence and violence.. and the goal of awareness is to understand why this resistance is there.. not to plough thru it.. gentle and kind with ourselves first.. then to others...

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