
5 May 2013

womb envy!

Taliban! Its them again, they are saying something like women shouldn't do something something.. they will get corrupted.
Why are all these people so afraid of women? women shouldnt sing, women shouldnt ride a horse.. all this is mild compared to absolute vile things like female circumspection and burning of widows( our very own sati) ... why are these societies so scared of women n sex? whats the big deal really?
Is it the womb envy which is causing all this mess!? ( No its not the feminist but the scientist speaking! seriously ! ) As the male has to depend on the female womb for reproduction, and it is absolutely critical, the fidelity of the female womb,if the male has to pitch-in in bringing up the offspring. There is no "humanity" in survival right? its pure business!( yea it is! If u have a heart then u are probably extinct :P)

yes it is low cost life being male,  It can reproduce at  a lower cost than  a female. but with that cost comes a risk too and the insecurity. I wonder if this insecurity is the root of all this kind of evil in society?
Also Hierarchy is a show. its false facade.. fragile facade hence people go into great lengths to protect it? 
and thats why  the male dominated society gets warped into weird concepts like this?

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