
19 December 2015

Why is everyone wearing Ironed clothes?

All my friends, my family, the world around me , we are all always happy, we are doing very well, even when we are not doing well, we are handling ourselves perfectly
we have no problems no no

How are you?
I am fine.

We all have perfect skin, no wrinkles no scars perfect teeth and red lips
We all have perfect emotions, no sadness, no frustration, no anger, no no

Our houses have no clutter or dust, behind cupboard doors are perfectly folded Ironed clothes and there is no dust under our beds
Our thoughts are clean too, very PC lest we cause offence, just like our words

and yeah I now know, why everyone is wearing perfectly Ironed clothes


but me.. I m not like that.
Ill tell you a secret, my house - the mess is not even behind cupboard doors :-) I cleanup and tidy up as you walk in, sometimes not.
Pssttt... I have scars and stretch marks and teeny tiny wrinkles, and white hair and hair in my arm pits too :-O yeah I do
and emotions ha ha emotions are a monster mess, my emotions are! he he. I feel things you know, like sooo sad scared afraid, I lose it! at times! soo angry soo frustrated. I m lazy . no I dont work like clock work, I am not organized, dont even want to be :D yeah, you can say my personality is wrinkled. Its not perfect!
What! u too? NO!
what? you put on a happy front and smile even when you are breaking inside?
I should  just pretend to be like them. wear Ironed clothes and make up and nobody will notice?
Oh! I should strive to be perfect and wrinkle free at the most superficial and easiest level possible? never mind what is Inside? Oh! because nobody can see inside?

That should be easy then ;-)  :-) 

18 December 2015


Straight, Gay, Lesbian, BiSexual. Logically there should be something called single also right? someone who doesnot want any partner at all? My thoughts ran like this many times.
There is! Asexual. One in a Hundred is like this.

We are all unique. Label is just a label. everyone has a shade of this and that and everything else.

for everyone who has ever wondered what is the big deal about sex? everyone else is pretending or what? this is the place to go to!
asexual is someone who doesnot get sexual thoughts! but what is a sexual thought? Its like telling a blind man what color is :) Its sweet! where do u draw the line? at the waist? :) :P !!??

If 99% of the people are sexual then why is the whole world trying to pretend to be like asexual? So much hypocrisy. For an asexual person this world is normal - but for all the rest its control/ hide /repress??!? since when they are in their teens? !! 

It is very hard for people to realise that other people may not be feeling/thinking like them. Either way. Sexual people feel asexual people are pretending to be "saintly" and Asexual person probably does not even understand what it is all about. 


People are usually not ready for my ideas,  they get there in a few years :-P

rape and getting the girl married off to the rapist for instance, in 80s and 90s nobody found it wrong.
The bhai giving dowry for sister,
hero kidnapping heroin to voo her/rape to seduce etc

now the whole world (atleast the sane parts :P ) boos with me at such things

And now another recent one- About Angelina Jolie

She was marketed as a brave mother doing it for her children at that time and lots of people cried with her , now two years on shes has a syndrome named after her - for getting a surgery with no sickness!

and thats what I thought about it in the first place

So if you dont agree with me, World! I wont argue,  I know you need time to reach maturity. I  will wait it out :P 

mad tomato plant!

My tomato plant, single one, grew into a monster 5 ft wide and 3 ft tall in a few weeks. very quickly  put out 500 tomatoes all at once! like there is no tomorrow!and then with all its green unripe tomatoes, it died!! Winter had come!
What! why did it do that, like a mad person? why did it behave like this? Like a banker in sub prime crisis? Didnt it know better that its better off with a few red ripe tomatoes to propagate itself than have 500 unripe ones?
In nature everything has some innate intelligence, plants flower in season, have fruits and then seeds, fewer fruits during drought and more during good conditions . They know when to do what without interference from humans. They know how to live, Thats how they have survived for millions of years! but what happened with my tomato plant? Why did it lose this sense?
By hybridizing plants by choosing the fastest plentiest fattest tomato plants,  have we robbed the plant of its natural intelligence? what is left is not a proper being but a mad tomato plant? Is it a nutter? :-(
( On second thoughts civilized society so out of touch with nature is also like this only :-P We are all too dependent on tech nutters :D )

With all due respect, yes I am new to this kind of monster gardening which requires a lot of interference from the humans, I should have pruned it, cut off all the extra branches and restricted its fruits to a few, should have planted it early, may be too fertile a soil etc etc etc
But just see what is happening to a plant just by hybridization and what will happen when we start genetically modifying them! They will go totally nuts!

Oh! trying to grow an aquarium plant! aquarium plants hobby is entirely hijacked by geeks, men who like to tweak and tune and meddle endlessly and to control and to compete for maximum effectiveness, who want plants full grown in days!  result - very high maintenance plants with very specific requirements. They want CO2 blown thru the water every week, They want specific wattage bulbs for lighting, you need NPK measuring kits to accurately maintain the nutrient levels. Its as if you are bringing up a test tube baby :D

I think we shud respect nature more and back off a little bit. 

17 December 2015

Reading my old posts I am feeling
Maturity is like weight :-P, It fluctuates :-P
It doesnot linearly keep going up with time unfortunately. some moments we are mature and then some we are not. Thats life.

1 December 2015

Why konkani has no group bias

In group and out group bias

Just telling people you are over estimator and under estimator was enough for people to form groups. Gulliver knew this well - the little endian and big endian story :-). People will pick any lame reason to form a group and create biases, positive about in group and negative about out group.

Why don't konkanis group themselves based on language?
S was saying she was in a group of 5 Konkanis and they NEVER spoke to each other in konkani. This will never happen with any other Indian language people.
I classify myself as both Kannadiga and Konkani. If there are 5 Kannadigas I would definitely speak in Kannada but why not in Konkani?
My cousin is Pune is a huge Marathi fan/activist but not a konkani one.
Goans are proud of being Goans and not really of Konkani :)

Why do many Konkanis not have this sense of belonging/groupism by the language? Its not that those people are not prone to groupisim but Konkani language fails to be that element which groups.

For all the people involved, Konkani was spoken at home and not in the society, So is Konkani a family thing then, personal and private? meant for relatives only  family only  and hence not sharable? There is a group, but it is very tightly knit?
Interesting :-)

Is this effect present in Tulu? It is definitely not present in Sanketi language which is also a obscure and used by a small group.

moralities of everyday life

Moralities of everyday life

What is it that I want to get out of this course what is it that I want to know?
What is morality?
What was right yesterday isn't right today.
What is right in one part of the world isn't in another. Teacher naming a teddy bear Mohamed , Whale hunting.
What was right for me in one circumstance is not in another.

Drinking - was wrong - immoral. I believed that strongly but it was circumstantial. People in India who drink, beat their wives, spoil their livers,behave like they have no control. This was wrong. Here in UK its okay to drink, Its socially cool to get drunk and talk about it the next day. No beating or spoiling of life happens to these people I have moulded my opinion to suit the country, Now drinking is normal. It is not an issue.

For How much money would I strangle a cat with my bare hands?
I would never!!!
but really today I don't need money.
What if.. I was in debt? I lost my job - nothing too serious but 100,000£ would allow me to stay in UK or go home. I would probably not do it...
What if it were a rat instead?
For how much money would I cut off a chickens head? I eat chicken everyday and for gods sake I eat eggs, break them too.
What if I had a disease and the medicine cost 10,000 Rs and I didn't have it? What if my child was sick or mother?
The morality of the situation changes dramatically. I would probably strangle a cat for a piece of bread, if I had 10000000 Rs but it was floods and there was absolutely no food.
Depends on what is coercing me ( is that the right word?)

Is morality based on the person or circumstance? ( clearly demonstrated in psychology class that it is more circumstance than person even tho instinctively most of us would think it is the person.

What do I want to get out of this class? I want to understand how I make these moral judgements? Is it moral to think of morality?
Would it be easier for me to decide what is right and wrong after this course? may be?
for example Syria. There are people who want to bomb and those who don't want US to interfere. What do I want. I dont know! I cant make a decision. which is moral?
There is a natural course of nature - where death and cruelty is part of life, and then humans are trying to suppress this . Death is not the worst thing. Death is absolutely necessary for life to go on. but.. Is it ever right to chose death over life? 

I also feel I am falling into a trap of morality and doing/not doing judging/not judging a few things. I want to understand, what is happening inside me. The working of the brain.
It is humbling this understanding, I feel what I was really proud of - my values  are all inherited. not self made at all, all my hobbies are inherited too.
Will this class and the other psychology classes help me understand the working of my brain? will they come in handy day to day?

It didn't, recently. There was a bin bag thrown on the street. I didn't pick it up because I was shy, I would do it if I was alone, by-stander effect. no one did it, so no one else would do it.. It was on every ones conscience, then finally the lady in front of me did it.  but I still hope.

I want to understand other people and their motivation. I m quick to judge. These days I may logically understand why someone is doing something. I want to do that more. These classes help me.
They also reinforce many conclusions I have had independently before. That's one of the best things :D